Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes (mfcole.hlp) (Topic list)
COleClientItem                              Up Contents Index Back
──Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes──────────────────────────────────────────
  void Activate( UINT nVerb, BOOL bShow = TRUE, BOOL bTakeFocus = TRUE,
                 CWnd* pWndContainer = NULL, LPRECT lpBounds = NULL );
  Parameter       Description
  <nVerb>         Server verb index; 0 is the primary verb, 1 is the
                  secondary verb, and so forth.
  <bShow>         TRUE if the server should show the item when it performs
                  the operation; FALSE if the server should remain active
                  without being visible.
  <bTakeFocus>    TRUE if the server should set the input focus. Relevant
                  only if <bShow> is TRUE.
  <pWndContainer> A pointer to the client window object that contains the
                  OLE item.
  <lpBounds>      A pointer to a RECT structure or CRect object that
                  contains the coordinates of the bounding rectangle in
                  which the destination document displays the item. Units
                  are determined by the device context mapping mode. Can
                  be NULL.
  Causes the server to execute the specified verb operation. If the
  primary verb is specified, COleServerItem::OnShow is called; otherwise
  COleServerItem::OnExtraVerb is called.
  Client applications often specify the primary verb when the user
  double-clicks an item. The server is free to take any action in response
  to each verb.
  The client may choose to set <bShow> to FALSE if it wants the server to
  remain active without being visible.
  If necessary, you can override the server item COleServerItem::OnDoVerb
  function to replace the OnShow and OnExtraVerb calls with calls to other
  See Also
  COleServerItem::OnShow, COleServerItem::OnExtraVerb,