Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes (mfcole.hlp) (Topic list)
COleException                               Up Contents Index Back
──Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes──────────────────────────────────────────
  COleException( OLESTATUS status );
  Parameter   Description
  <status>    An enumerated type variable that indicates the reason for
              the exception. Must be one of the following enumerators:
              Value                          Meaning
              OLE_OK                         Function operated correctly
                                             (does not throw an
              OLE_BUSY                       Tried to execute a member
                                             function while another
                                             operation was in progress.
              OLE_ERROR_STREAM               OLESTREAM stream error.
              OLE_ERROR_STATIC               Nonstatic object expected.
              OLE_ERROR_BLANK                Critical data missing.
              OLE_ERROR_DRAW                 Error while drawing.
              OLE_ERROR_METAFILE             Invalid metafile.
              OLE_ERROR_ABORT                Client chose to abort
                                             metafile drawing.
              OLE_ERROR_CLIPBOARD            Failed to get or set
                                             Clipboard data.
              OLE_ERROR_FORMAT               Requested format is not
              OLE_ERROR_GENERIC              A general error.
              OLE_ERROR_DATATYPE             Data format is not
              OLE_ERROR_PALETTE              Invalid color palette.
              OLE_ERROR_NOT_LINK             Not a linked object.
              OLE_ERROR_NOT_EMPTY            Client document contains
              OLE_ERROR_SIZE                 Incorrect buffer size passed
                                             to the API that places a
                                             string in the caller's
              OLE_ERROR_DRIVE                Drive letter in document name
                                             is invalid.
              OLE_ERROR_NETWORK              Failed to establish
                                             connection to a network share
                                             on which the document is
              OLE_ERROR_NAME                 Invalid name (document name,
                                             item name, etc.) passed to
                                             the APIs.
              OLE_ERROR_TEMPLATE             Server failed to load a
              OLE_ERROR_NEW                  Server failed to create a new
              OLE_ERROR_EDIT                 Server failed to create an
                                             embedded instance.
              OLE_ERROR_OPEN                 Server failed to open a
                                             document, possible invalid
              OLE_ERROR_NOT_OPEN             Object is not open for
              OLE_ERROR_LAUNCH               Failed to launch a server.
              OLE_ERROR_COMM                 Failed to communicate with a
              OLE_ERROR_TERMINATE            Error in termination.
              OLE_ERROR_COMMAND              Error in execution.
              OLE_ERROR_SHOW                 Error in showing.
              OLE_ERROR_DOVERB               Error in sending do verb, or
                                             invalid verb.
              OLE_ERROR_ADVISE_NATIVE        Item could be missing.
              OLE_ERROR_ADVISE_PICT          Item could be missing or
                                             server doesn't understand
                                             this format.
              OLE_ERROR_ADVISE_RENAME        Server doesn't support
              OLE_ERROR_POKE_NATIVE          Failure in poking native data
                                             to server.
              OLE_ERROR_REQUEST_NATIVE       Server failed to render
                                             native data.
              OLE_ERROR_REQUEST_PICT         Server failed to render
                                             presentation data.
              OLE_ERROR_SERVER_BLOCKED       Trying to block a blocked
                                             server, or trying to revoke a
                                             blocked server or document.
              OLE_ERROR_REGISTRATION         Server is not registered in
                                             OLE registration database.
              OLE_ERROR_ALREADY_REGISTERED   Trying to register the same
                                             document multiple times.
              OLE_ERROR_TASK                 Server or client task is
              OLE_ERROR_OUTOFDATE            Item is out of date.
              OLE_ERROR_CANT_UPDATE_CLIENT   Client of the embedded
                                             document doesn't accept
              OLE_ERROR_UPDATE               Error while trying to
              OLE_WARN_DELETE_DATA           Caller must delete the data
                                             when done with it (warning).
  Constructs a COleException object.
  Do not use this constructor directly; instead, call the global function
  See Also