Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes (mfcole.hlp) (Topic list)
COleClientItem                              Up Contents Index Back
──Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes──────────────────────────────────────────
  static BOOL CanPaste(OLEOPT_RENDER renderopt = olerender_draw,
                        OLECLIPFORMAT cfFormat = 0 );
  Parameter   Description
  <renderopt> A variable that specifies how the server will render the
              item. Must be one of the enumerators listed below:
              Value              Meaning
              olerender_draw     The item is drawn using
                                 COleClientItem::Draw. Thus OLECLI.DLL
                                 obtains and manages the presentation data
                                 and stores the native data for archiving
                                 purposes only.
              olerender_none     The OLE library does not obtain the
                                 presentation data and does not draw the
                                 object. The client calls
                                 COleClientItem::GetData to retrieve the
                                 server data in native format, and it is
                                 assumed that the client knows how to
                                 interpret this format.
              olerender_format   The client calls COleClientItem::GetData
                                 to retrieve data in the format specified
                                 by <cfFormat>. The client then uses the
                                 retrieved data to render the item.
  <cfFormat>  If <renderopt> is olerender_format, then <cfFormat>
              specifies the Clipboard data format.
  If this function returns TRUE, then you can enable the Paste command on
  the Edit menu.
  Return Value
  TRUE if the Clipboard currently contains an embedded or static
  (metafile-based) OLE item; otherwise FALSE.
  See Also
  COleClientItem::CanPasteLink, COleClientItem::CreateFromClipboard,