Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes (mfcole.hlp) (Topic list)
COleClientItem                              Up Contents Index Back
──Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes──────────────────────────────────────────
      virtual void OnChange( OLE_NOTIFICATION <wNotification> ) = 0;
  Parameter       Description
  <wNotification> Reason the server changed this item. Must be one of the
                  Value         Meaning
                  OLE_CHANGED   The server item's state has changed (as
                                from editing).
                  OLE_SAVED     The server document that contains this
                                item was saved.
                  OLE_CLOSED    The server document that contains this
                                item was closed.
  This is a pure virtual callback function that you must implement in your
  derived class. It is called by OLECLI.DLL when the server changes an OLE
  In general, do not redraw the client item when you get the OnChange
  callback, but instead post an update message or use CWnd::InvalidateRect
  for the window.