Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes (mfcole.hlp) (Topic list)
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──Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes──────────────────────────────────────────
      virtual OLECLIPFORMAT
               OnEnumFormats( OLECLIPFORMAT <nFormat> ) const;
  Parameter   Description
  <nFormat>   Specifies the format returned by the previous call to the
              OnEnumFormats member function. For the first call to this
              function, this parameter is NULL. This parameter can be one
              of the predefined Clipboard formats or the value returned by
              the native Windows RegisterClipboardFormat function.
  This function is called repeatedly to enumerate the Clipboard formats
  that are supported by this server. The default function handles native,
  metafile, and text formats, but it does not handle bitmaps.
  Override this function if your server item supports more formats.
  Return Value
  The next (or first) available format; NULL if no more formats are
  See Also