Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes (mfcole.hlp) (Topic list)
COleClientItem                              Up Contents Index Back
──Microsoft Foundation OLE Classes──────────────────────────────────────────
  void RequestData( OLECLIPFORMAT nFormat );
  Parameter   Description
  <nFormat>   Specifies the format in which data is returned. This
              parameter can be one of the predefined Clipboard formats or
              the value returned by the native Windows
              RegisterClipboardFormat function.
  Requests the library to retrieve data in a specified format from the
  An exception is thrown if the server does not support data requests.
  The client application should be connected to the server when the client
  calls RequestData. After RequestData returns, the client can retrieve
  the server's data with the GetData member function, and it can get
  additional information through other member functions such as
  See Also
  COleClientItem::GetData, COleClientItem::GetBounds