msgs12.hlp (Topic list)
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usMode = (USHORT) SHORT1FROMMP(mp1);       /* help mode              */
idTopic = (USHORT) SHORT1FROMMP(mp2);      /* window ID for topic    */
idSubTopic = (USHORT) SHORT2FROMMP(mp2);   /* window ID for subtopic */
The HM_HELPSUBITEM_NOT_FOUND message notifies the application that the
system failed to find a help panel in response to a user request for help.
Parameter   Description
usMode      Low word of mp1. Specifies the context of the help request. This
            parameter can be one of the following values:
            Value        Meaning
            HLPM_FRAME   The help request is for a focus window that is a
                         child window of the client window.
            HLPM_MENU    The help request is for a selected menu item or
            HLPM_WINDOW  The help request is for a focus window that is not
                         a child window of the client window.
idTopic     Low word of mp2. Specifies the ID of the active frame or dialog
            window or the submenu that contains the selection.
idSubTopic  High word of mp2. Specifies the ID of the window that has the
            keyboard focus or the menu item that contains the selection.
Return Value
An application should return FALSE to direct the system to display the
extended help panel for the active window. An application should return TRUE
to direct the system to do nothing.
When an application receives this message, it should carry out a default
action, such as displaying an error message or using the HM_DISPLAY_HELP
message to display an explicitly specified help panel, or it can return
FALSE to direct the system to display the extended help panel. If the
application displays an error message or a help panel, it must return TRUE
to prevent the system from displaying the extended help panel.
See Also