msgs12.hlp (Topic list)
Multiple-line entry-field notification messages (1.2)
Message Group  Overview                           Up Next Previous
MLN_CHANGE           Indicates that text in an MLE has changed
MLN_CLPBDFAIL        Indicates that a clipboard operation failed
MLN_HSCROLL          Indicates a horizontal MLE scroll event
MLN_KILLFOCUS        Indicates that an MLE has lost the input focus
MLN_MARGIN           Indicates that the mouse has moved over an MLE margin
MLN_MEMERROR         Indicates that there is insufficient memory for MLE
MLN_OVERFLOW         Indicates that the MLE operation caused an overflow
MLN_PIXHORZOVERFLOW  Indicates MLE horizontal overflow
MLN_PIXVERTOVERFLOW  Indicates MLE vertical overflow
MLN_SEARCHPAUSE      Indicates MLE search status
MLN_SETFOCUS         Indicates that the MLE receives the input focus
MLN_TEXTOVERFLOW     Indicates an MLE text-limit overflow
MLN_UNDOOVERFLOW     Indicates that a text change cannot be undone
MLN_VSCROLL          Indicates a vertical MLE scroll event