msgs12.hlp (Topic list)
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mp1 = MPFROMSHORT(fReadOnly);    /* read-only flag         */
mp2 = 0L;                        /* not used, must be zero */
An application sends an MLM_SETREADONLY message to set the read-only state
of a multiple-line entry field (MLE). While the read-only state is set, the
user cannot change the contents of the MLE text.
Parameter  Description
fReadOnly  Low word of mp1. Specifies the read-only state of the MLE. A
           value of TRUE sets the read-only state.
Return Value
The return value is the previous value of the read-only state. If the return
value is zero, the read-only state was turned off. If the return value is
nonzero, the read-only state was turned on.
See Also