msgs12.hlp (Topic list)
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mp1 = MPFROMLONG((COLOR) clr);    /* color                  */
mp2 = 0L;                         /* not used, must be zero */
An application sends an MLM_SETTEXTCOLOR message to set the text color of a
multiple-line entry field (MLE).
Parameter  Description
clr        Specifies the color. This parameter can be one of the following
           Value           Meaning
           CLR_FALSE       All color planes are zeros.
           CLR_TRUE        All color planes are ones.
           CLR_DEFAULT     Default value; same as CLR_NEUTRAL.
           CLR_WHITE       White.
           CLR_BLACK       Black.
           CLR_BACKGROUND  Reset color.
           CLR_BLUE        Blue.
           CLR_RED         Red.
           CLR_PINK        Pink.
           CLR_GREEN       Green.
           CLR_CYAN        Cyan.
           CLR_YELLOW      Yellow.
           CLR_NEUTRAL     Neutral.
           CLR_DARKGRAY    Dark gray.
           CLR_DARKBLUE    Dark blue.
           CLR_DARKRED     Dark red.
           CLR_DARKPINK    Dark pink.
           CLR_DARKGREEN   Dark green.
           CLR_DARKCYAN    Dark cyan.
           CLR_BROWN       Brown.
           CLR_PALEGRAY    Light gray.
Return Value
The return value is the previous color of the text.
See Also