msgs12.hlp (Topic list)
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mp1 = MPFROMSHORT(fs);    /* tracking options       */
mp2 = 0L;                 /* not used, must be zero */
An application sends a TBM_TRACKMOVE message to a title-bar window control
to move its owner window.
A WM_QUERYTRACKINFO message is first sent to the owner of the title-bar
window control. If the return value is TRUE, the window is moved; otherwise,
the operation terminates.
Parameter  Description
fs         Low word of mp1. Specifies tracking options. This parameter can
           be a combination of the following values:
           Option             Meaning
           TF_LEFT            Track the left side of the rectangle.
           TF_TOP             Track the top side of the rectangle.
           TF_RIGHT           Track the right side of the rectangle.
           TF_BOTTOM          Track the bottom side of the rectangle.
           TF_MOVE            Track all sides of the rectangle.
           TF_SETPOINTERPOS   Repositions the pointer according to the other
                              options specified.
           TF_LEFT            Vertically centers the pointer at the left of
                              the tracking rectangle.
           TF_TOP             Horizontally centers the pointer at the top of
                              the tracking rectangle.
           TF_RIGHT           Vertically centers the pointer at the right of
                              the tracking rectangle.
           TF_BOTTOM          Horizontally centers the pointer at the bottom
                              of the tracking rectangle.
           TF_MOVE            Centers the pointer in the tracking
           TF_GRID            Restricts tracking to the grid defined by
                              cxGrid and cyGrid.
           TF_STANDARD        The width, height, grid width, and grid height
                              are all multiples of border width and border
           TF_ALLINBOUNDARY   Performs tracking so that no part of the
                              tracking rectangle ever falls outside the
                              bounding rectangle.
           TF_PARTINBOUNDARY  Performs tracking so that values of cxLeft,
                              cyBottom, cxRight, and cyTop specify how much
                              of the corresponding edge of the tracking
                              rectangle must be kept within the opposite
                              edge of the boundary rectangle.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the operation is successful or FALSE if an error
See Also