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pswp = (PSWP) PVOIDFROMMP(mp1);    /* pointer to SWP structure */
The WM_ADJUSTWINDOWPOS message is sent when a window is about to be moved or
sized. It gives the window an opportunity to adjust the new size and
position before the window is actually moved and sized.
Parameter  Description
pswp       Low and high word of mp1. Points to an SWP structure that
           contains the new window size and position information.
Return Value
An application should return FALSE if it does not change the SWP structure.
Otherwise, it should return on of the following values:
Value           Meaning
AWP_MINIMIZED   The window was minimized.
AWP_MAXIMIZED   The window was maximized.
AWP_RESTORED    The window was restored.
AWP_ACTIVATE    The window was activated.
AWP_DEACTIVATE  The window was deactivated.
See Also