msgs12.hlp (Topic list)
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hwnd = (HWND) HWNDFROMMP(mp1);       /* window handle             */
pCreateParams = PVOIDFROMMP(mp2);    /* application-specific data */
The WM_INITDLG message is sent when a dialog box is being created. This
message is sent to the dialog procedure, before the dialog box is
Parameter      Description
hwnd           Low and high word of mp1. Identifies the window that receives
               the focus when FALSE is returned. This value is set to the
               first tab-stop child window in the dialog window.
pCreateParams  Low and high word of mp2. Points to application-specific data
               passed by calls to the WinCreateDlg, WinDlgBox, and
               WinLoadDlg functions.
Return Value
An application should return TRUE if the dialog procedure alters the window
that is to receive the focus by issuing a WinSetFocus function with the
handle of another control within the dialog box. Otherwise, it should return
See Also
WinCreateDlg, WinDlgBox, WinLoadDlg, WinSetFocus