msgs12.hlp (Topic list)
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id = SHORT1FROMMP(mp1);                 /* list-box identifier  */
poi = (POWNERITEM) PVOIDFROMMP(mp2);    /* pointer to OWNERITEM */
The WM_MEASUREITEM message is sent to calculate the height of each item in a
window. It is normally sent to list boxes and menus. All items are the same
height in a list box or menu.
Parameter  Description
id         Low word of mp1. Specifies the window.
poi        Low and high word of mp2. When this message is sent to a menu
           window, this parameter points to an OWNERITEM structure.
           Otherwise, this parameter is not used.
Return Value
If this message is processed by a list box, the low word of the return value
contains the height of the list-box item. If the style LS_HORZSCROLL is set,
the high word contains the length of the list-box item; otherwise, the high
word must be set to zero.
If this message is processed by a menu, the return value is ignored. The
width and height are returned by placing their dimensions in the OWNERITEM
structure passed in the poi parameter.
See Also