msgs12.hlp (Topic list)
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usFormat = SHORT1FROMMP(mp1);    /* format of data */
The WM_RENDERFMT message is sent to the clipboard owner when a particular
format with delayed rendering needs to be rendered. The receiver should
render the data in that format and pass it to the clipboard by calling the
WinSetClipbrdData function.
Parameter  Description
usFormat   Low word of mp1. Specifies the format of the data to be rendered.
           It can be an application-specific format, or one of the following
           standard formats:
           Value           Meaning
           CF_BITMAP       Specifies a bitmap.
           CF_DSPBITMAP    Specifies a bitmap representation of a private
                           data format.
           CF_DSPMETAFILE  Specifies a metafile representation of a private
                           data format.
           CF_DSPTEXT      Specifies a textual representation of a private
                           data format.
           CF_METAFILE     Specifies a metafile.
           CF_TEXT         Specifies an array of text characters.
Return Value
An application should return zero if it processes this message.
See Also