msgs12.hlp (Topic list)
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fsStyle = SHORT1FROMMP(mp1);    /* style flags */
The WM_UPDATEFRAME message is sent after frame controls have been added or
removed from the window frame. It tells the frame window to reformat and
update the appearance of the window. An application should send this message
to its frame window whenever it adds or removes frame controls.
Parameter  Description
fsStyle    Low word of mp1. Specifies frame-style flags that indicate which
           frame controls were added or removed. This parameter can be any
           combination of the following values:
           Value           Meaning
           FCF_TITLEBAR    Title bar added or removed.
           FCF_SYSMENU     System menu added or removed.
           FCF_MENU        Menu added or removed.
           FCF_SIZEBORDER  Sizing border added or removed.
           FCF_MINBUTTON   Minimize button added or removed.
           FCF_MAXBUTTON   Maximize button added or removed.
           FCF_MINMAX      Minimize/maximize button added or removed.
           FCF_VERTSCROLL  Vertical scroll bar added or removed.
           FCF_HORZSCROLL  Horizontal scroll bar added or removed.
Return Value
An application should return TRUE if it processes this message.
Because this message causes any redrawing that is necessary, the application
should ensure that no drawing takes place when adding or removing a frame
control, to prevent unnecessary redrawing. If using the WinSetParent
function, this is done by setting the fRedraw parameter to FALSE.
See Also