msgs12.hlp (Topic list)
Button messages (1.2)
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BM_CLICK            Simulates a button click
BM_QUERYCHECK       Retrieves button check state
BM_QUERYCHECKINDEX  Retrieves index of checked radio button
BM_QUERYHILITE      Retrieves highlighted state
BM_SETCHECK         Sets/removes button check state
BM_SETDEFAULT       Sets/removes button's default state
BM_SETHILITE        Sets/removes button's highlighted state
WM_BUTTON1DBLCLK    Indicates a button-one double-click
WM_BUTTON2DBLCLK    Indicates a button-two double-click
WM_BUTTON3DBLCLK    Indicates a button-three double-click
WM_BUTTON1DOWN      Indicates that button one is down
WM_BUTTON1UP        Indicates that button one has been released
WM_BUTTON2DOWN      Indicates that button two is down
WM_BUTTON2UP        Indicates that button two has been released
WM_BUTTON3DOWN      Indicates that button three is down
WM_BUTTON3UP        Indicates that button three has been released