msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Menu styles (1.2)
Menu-item Attributes                                Up Next Previous
Style                Description
MIS_BITMAP           Specifies that the menu-display object is a bitmap.
MIS_BREAK            Specifies that the item begins a new row or column.
MIS_BREAKSEPARATOR   Same as MIS_BREAK, except that this style draws a
                     separator between rows or columns.
MIS_BUTTONSEPARATOR  Specifies that the item cannot be selected by using the
                     cursor keys, but it can be selected by using the mouse
                     or the appropriate accelerator key. A menu bar can have
                     zero, one, or two button-separator items. They are
                     always placed at the right side of the menu bar or at
                     the bottom of a drop-down menu.
MIS_HELP             Specifies that the item notifies its owner window that
                     it has been chosen by using a WM_HELP message rather
                     than a WM_COMMAND message.
MIS_OWNERDRAW        Specifies that the item is drawn by the owner window.
                     The menu sends WM_DRAWITEM and WM_MEASUREITEM messages
                     to the owner window to draw the item and specify its
MIS_SEPARATOR        Specifies that the item is a horizontal dividing line
                     in a drop-down menu. It cannot be checked, disabled, or
MIS_STATIC           Specifies that the item is for information only. It
                     cannot be selected by using the mouse or keyboard.
MIS_SUBMENU          Specifies that the item is a submenu item. When the
                     user selects a submenu item, a drop-down menu window is
                     displayed from which the user can choose a command
MIS_SYSCOMMAND       Specifies that the item notifies its owner window that
                     it has been chosen by using a WM_SYSCOMMAND message
                     rather than a WM_COMMAND message.
MIS_TEXT             Specifies that the menu-display object is a text
                     string. This is the default menu-item style.
The following menu styles are mutually exclusive; they may not be specified
in combination with each other:
Likewise, the following styles are mutually exclusive:
Menu-item styles determine what kind of data a menu contains (text, bitmap,
etc.), how the menu is displayed (whether or not it is drawn by the owner),
and what kind of message it generates when chosen (WM_COMMAND,
WM_SYSCOMMAND, or WM_HELP). Menu-item styles are set when the menu item is
created and typically are not changed at run time.