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typedef struct _BITMAPINFOHEADER {    /* bmp */
    ULONG  cbFix;
    USHORT cx;
    USHORT cy;
    USHORT cPlanes;
    USHORT cBitCount;
The BITMAPINFOHEADER structure contains a bitmap header that defines the
structure of a bitmap.
Field      Description
cbFix      Specifies the size of the structure (in bytes). The size depends
           on the operating-system version. Programs written in the C
           language should use the sizeof operator to set this field.
cx         Specifies the bitmap width (in pels).
cy         Specifies the bitmap height (in pels).
cPlanes    Specifies the number of bit planes.
cBitCount  Specifies the number of bits per pel within a plane.
See Also
GpiCreateBitmap, GpiQueryBitmapParameters