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typedef struct _DLGTITEM {    /* dlgti */
    USHORT    fsItemStatus;
    USHORT    cChildren;
    USHORT    cchClassName;
    USHORT    offClassName;
    USHORT    cchText;
    USHORT    offText;
    ULONG     flStyle;
    SHORT     x;
    SHORT     y;
    SHORT     cx;
    SHORT     cy;
    USHORT    id;
    USHORT    offPresParams;
    USHORT    offCtlData;
The DLGTITEM structure contains information about a dialog item.
Field          Description
fsItemStatus   This field is currently unused. It must be set to zero.
cChildren      Specifies the number of child windows of the dialog window.
cchClassName   Specifies the length of the class name.
offClassName   Specifies the offset to the class name.
cchText        Specifies the length of the dialog item text.
offText        Specifies the offset to the dialog item text.
flStyle        Specifies the dialog-item window style. The high word
               contains the standard WS style bits. The low word is
               available for class-specific use. The high word may be one of
               the following values:
               Value       Meaning
               WS_GROUP    The dialog item begins a group.
               WS_TABSTOP  The dialog item can receive the focus when the
                           user presses the TAB key.
x              Specifies the left origin of the dialog-item window.
y              Specifies the bottom origin of the dialog-item window.
cx             Specifies the width of the dialog item.
cy             Specifies the dialog item's height.
id             Identifies the dialog item.
offPresParams  Specifies the offset to presentation parameters. This field
               is currently reserved.
offCtlData     Specifies the offset to any control data.
See Also