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#define INCL_MOU
typedef struct _MOUEVENTINFO {   /* mouev */
    USHORT fs;
    ULONG  time;
    USHORT row;
    USHORT col;
The MOUEVENTINFO structure contains information about a mouse event.
Field  Description
fs     Specifies the action that generated the mouse event. It can be any
       combination of the following values:
       Value                       Meaning
       MOUSE_MOTION                Mouse moved with no buttons down.
       MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN1_DOWN  Mouse moved with button 1 down.
       MOUSE_BN1_DOWN              Button 1 down.
       MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN2_DOWN  Mouse moved with button 2 down.
       MOUSE_BN2_DOWN              Button 2 down.
       MOUSE_MOTION_WITH_BN3_DOWN  Mouse moved with button 3 down.
       MOUSE_BN3_DOWN              Button 3 down.
       If the mouse button is released with no motion, this field is zero.
time   Specifies the number of milliseconds since MS OS/2 was booted.
row    Specifies the x-coordinate of the mouse.
col    Specifies the y-coordinate of the mouse.
See Also