msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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typedef struct _PIBSTRUCT {    /* pib */
    PROGTYPE  progt;
    CHAR      szTitle[MAXNAMEL+1];
    CHAR      szIconFileName[MAXPATHL+1];
    CHAR      szExecutable[MAXPATHL+1];
    CHAR      szStartupDir[MAXPATHL+1];
    XYWINSIZE xywinInitial;
    USHORT    res1;
    LHANDLE   res2;
    USHORT    cchEnvironmentVars;
    PCH       pchEnvironmentVars;
    USHORT    cchProgramParameter;
    PCH       pchProgramParameter;
The PIBSTRUCT structure contains information about a program within a group.
This list is displayed by the Presentation Manager Start Programs window.
Field                       Description
progt                       Specifies the program type.
szTitle[MAXNAMEL+1]         Specifies the program title.
szIconFileName[MAXPATHL+1]  Specifies the title to use when the program is
szExecutable[MAXPATHL+1]    Specifies the path of the executable file.
szStartupDir[MAXPATHL+1]    Specifies the default drive and directory.
xywinInitial                Specifies the initial window position.
res1                        This field is reserved.
res2                        This field is reserved.
cchEnvironmentVars          Specifies the length of the environment
pchEnvironmentVars          Points to the environment variables.
cchProgramParameter         Specifies the length of the program parameters.
pchProgramParameter         Points to the program parameters.
See Also
PrfAddProgram, PrfChangeProgram, PrfQueryDefinition