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typedef struct _PIPESEMSTATE {    /* nmpsmst */
    BYTE   fStatus;
    BYTE   fFlag;
    USHORT usKey;
    USHORT usAvail;
The PIPESEMSTATE structure contains named-pipe information retrieved by
using the DosQNmPipeSemState function.
Field    Description
fStatus  Specifies the status of the named pipe. This field can be one of
         the following values:
         Value        Meaning
         NPSS_EOI     End of information.
         NPSS_RDATA   Readable data is available.
         NPSS_WSPACE  Write space is available.
         NPSS_CLOSE   Pipe is in closing state.
fFlag    Specifies additional information. If this field is NPSS_WAIT, there
         is a waiting thread on the end of the pipe.
usKey    Specifies the user's key value.
usAvail  Specifies the available data if the fStatus field is NPSS_RDATA, or
         the available space if the fStatus field is NPSS_WSPACE.
See Also