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typedef struct _PTRDRAWDATA {    /* ptrdd */
    USHORT cb;
    USHORT usConfig;
    USHORT usFlag;
The PTRDRAWDATA structure contains data for drawing the pointer.
Field     Description
cb        Specifies the size of the structure (in bytes). Programs written
          in the C language should use the sizeof operator to set this
usConfig  Specifies the display configuration. It can be one of the
          following values:
          Value                 Meaning
          VIO_CONFIG_CURRENT    The current display adapter
          VIO_CONFIG_PRIMARY    The primary display adapter
          VIO_CONFIG_SECONDARY  The secondary display adapter
usFlag    Specifies a flag that determines if this configuration is for an
          application or the base video subsystem (BVS). A value of 0x0000
          specifies an application; 0x0001 specifies the BVS.
See Also