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typedef struct _RESULTCODES {    /* resc */
    USHORT codeTerminate;
    USHORT codeResult;
The RESULTCODES structure contains the results of a process when it
Field          Description
codeTerminate  Specifies the child-process identifier if the child process
               is asynchronous. Otherwise, it specifies the termination code
               of the child process. The termination code can be one of the
               following values:
               Value           Meaning
               TC_EXIT         Normal exit
               TC_HARDERROR    Hard-error termination
               TC_TRAP         Trap operation
               TC_KILLPROCESS  Unintercepted DosKillProcess function
codeResult     Specifies the result code of the terminating process in its
               last call to the DosExit function. Specifies the exit code of
               the child process if the child process is synchronous. This
               field is not used for an asynchronous child process. The exit
               code is specified in the last call by the child process to
               the DosExit function.
See Also
DosCwait, DosExecPgm, DosExit, DosKillProcess