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typedef struct _RGNRECT {    /* rgnrc */
    USHORT ircStart;
    USHORT crc;
    USHORT crcReturned;
    USHORT usDirection;
The RGNRECT structure contains information that controls the processing of
the GpiQueryRegionRects function.
Field        Description
ircStart     Specifies the rectangle from which to start enumeration, in the
             range 0 through 65535.
crc          Specifies the number of rectangles that can be returned in the
             arc parameter. This field must be at least 1.
crcReturned  Specifies the number of rectangles actually written into the
             arc parameter. A value below that specified by the start
             parameters indicates that there are no more rectangles to
usDirection  Specifies the direction in which the (leading edge of the)
             rectangles are to be returned. This field can be one of the
             following values:
             Value                Meaning
             RECTDIR_LFRT_TOPBOT  Left to right, top to bottom.
             RECTDIR_RTLF_TOPBOT  Right to left, top to bottom.
             RECTDIR_LFRT_BOTTOP  Left to right, bottom to top.
             RECTDIR_RTLF_BOTTOP  Right to left, bottom to top.
See Also