msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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typedef struct _XYWINSIZE {    /* xywin */
    SHORT x;
    SHORT y;
    SHORT cx;
    SHORT cy;
    SHORT fsWindow;
The XYWINSIZE structure contains information about how a program will be
Field     Description
x         Specifies the position of the left side of the window.
y         Specifies the position of the lower side of the window.
cx        Specifies the width of the window.
cy        Specifies the height of the window.
fsWindow  Specifies various status flags. This field can be one or more of
          the following values:
          Value            Meaning
          XYF_INVISIBLE    The window is invisible.
          XYF_MAXIMIZED    The window is maximized on start up.
          XYF_MINIMIZED    The window is minimized on start up.
          XYF_NOAUTOCLOSE  The window does not automatically close on exit.
                           This fieled is ignored unless used by an AVIO
          XYF_NORMAL       The window is visible.
See Also