msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Predefined mouse pointers (1.2)
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Shape                 Description
SPTR_ARROW            An arrow that points to the upper-left corner of the
SPTR_TEXT             A text-insertion and selection pointer, often called
                      the I-beam pointer.
SPTR_WAIT             An hourglass. Used when a time-consuming operation is
                      in progress.
SPTR_SIZE             A small box within a box. Used when a window is being
                      resized by dragging.
SPTR_MOVE             A four-headed arrow. Used when an object or window is
                      being dragged around the display.
SPTR_SIZENWSE         A two-headed diagonal arrow that points from the
                      upper-left (northwest) window border to the
                      lower-right (southeast) window border. Used when a
                      window is being sized.
SPTR_SIZENESW         A two-headed diagonal arrow that points from the
                      upper-right (northeast) window border to the
                      lower-left (southwest) window border. Used when a
                      window is being sized.
SPTR_SIZEWE           A two-headed arrow that points from left to right
                      (west to east). Used when a window is being sized.
SPTR_SIZENS           A two-headed arrow that points from top to bottom
                      (north to south). Used when a window is being sized.
SPTR_APPICON          A square icon.
SPTR_ICONINFORMATION  An octagonal icon that contains the image of a human
                      hand. Used in a warning dialog box.
SPTR_ICONQUESTION     An icon that contains a question mark. Used in a query
                      dialog box.
SPTR_ICONERROR        An icon that contains an exclamation point. Used in a
                      warning dialog box.
SPTR_ICONWARNING      An icon that contains an asterisk. Used in a warning
                      dialog box.
MS OS/2 contains a second set of predefined mouse pointers that are used as
icons in Presentation Manager applications. To use one of these icons in an
application, you must supply one of the following constants to the
WinQuerySysPointer function. The resulting mouse pointer must be explicitly
destroyed, using the WinDestroyPointer function, before the application
Shape          Description
SPTR_ILLEGAL   A circular icon that contains a slash. Used to indicate an
               illegal operation.
SPTR_FILE      An icon representing a single file (in the shape of a single
               sheet of paper).
SPTR_FOLDER    An icon representing a file folder.
SPTR_MULTFILE  An icon representing multiple files.
SPTR_PROGRAM   An icon representing an executable file.
See Also
WinDestroyPointer, WinQuerySysPointer