msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Window styles (1.2)
Control Classes                                     Up Next Previous
Style            Description
WS_CLIPCHILDREN  Prevents a window from painting over its child windows.
                 This style protects child windows but increases the time
                 necessary to calculate the visible region. This style is
                 usually not necessary, since if the parent and child
                 windows overlap and are both invalidated, the system draws
                 the parent window before drawing the child window. If the
                 child window is invalidated independent of the parent
                 window, the system redraws only the child window. If the
                 update region of the parent window does not intersect the
                 child window, drawing the parent window should not disturb
                 the child window.
WS_CLIPSIBLINGS  Prevents a window from painting over its sibling windows.
                 This style protects sibling windows but increases the time
                 necessary to calculate the visible region. This style is
                 appropriate for windows that overlap and that have same
                 parent window.
WS_DISABLED      Disables mouse and keyboard input to a window. You can use
                 this style to temporarily prevent the user from using the
WS_GROUP         Specifies the first control of a group of controls in which
                 the user can move from one control to the next by using the
                 ARROW keys. All controls defined after the control with the
                 WS_GROUP style belong to the same group. The next control
                 with the WS_GROUP style ends the first group and starts a
                 new group.
WS_MAXIMIZED     Enlarges a window to the maximum size.
WS_MINIMIZED     Reduces a window to the minimum size.
WS_PARENTCLIP    Prevents a window from painting over its parent window.
                 This style simplifies the calculation of the visible region
                 but is potentially dangerous, since the parent window's
                 visible region is usually larger than the child window.
                 Windows with this style should not draw outside their
WS_SAVEBITS      Saves the image under the window as a bitmap. When the user
                 hides or moves the window, the system restores the image by
                 copying the bits; there is no need to add the area to the
                 uncovered window's update region. Because this operation
                 can consume a great deal of memory, it is recommended only
                 for transient windows such as menus and dialog boxes, not
                 for main application windows.
WS_SYNCPAINT     Causes the window to receive WM_PAINT messages immediately
                 after a part of the window becomes invalid. Without this
                 style, the window receives WM_PAINT messages only if no
                 other message is waiting to be processed.
WS_TABSTOP       Specifies one of any number of controls through which the
                 user can move by tabbing. Pressing the TAB key moves the
                 focus to the next control that has the WS_TABSTOP style.
WS_VISIBLE       Makes the window visible. MS OS/2 draws the window on the
                 screen unless overlapping windows completely obscure it.
                 Windows without this style are hidden. If overlapping
                 windows completely obscure the window, the window is still
                 considered visible. (Visibility simply means that MS OS/2
                 draws the window if it can.)
See Also