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typedef struct _DCBINFO {    /* dcbinf */
    USHORT usWriteTimeout;
    USHORT usReadTimeout;
    BYTE   fbCtlHndShake;
    BYTE   fbFlowReplace;
    BYTE   fbTimeout;
    BYTE   bErrorReplacementChar;
    BYTE   bBreakReplacementChar;
    BYTE   bXONChar;
    BYTE   bXOFFChar;
The DCBINFO structure holds device-control block information.
Field                  Description
usWriteTimeout         Specifies the time-out in one-hundredths of a second.
                       If set to zero, the time-out is 0.01 seconds; if set
                       to 1, the time-out is 0.02 seconds, and so on.
usReadTimeout          Specifies the time-out in one-hundredths of a second.
                       If set to zero, the time-out is 0.01 seconds; if set
                       to 1, the time-out is 0.02 seconds, and so on.
fbCtlHndShake          Specifies the control and handshaking modes for the
                       DTR and other signals. It can be a combination of the
                       following values:
                       Value                 Meaning
                       MODE_DTR_CONTROL      Enable the data-terminal-ready
                                             (DTR) control mode.
                       MODE_DTR_HANDSHAKE    Enable the data-terminal-ready
                                             (DTR) input handshaking mode.
                       MODE_CTS_HANDSHAKE    Enable output handshaking using
                                             the clear-to-send (CTS)
                       MODE_DSR_HANDSHAKE    Enable output handshaking using
                                             the data-set-ready (DSR)
                       MODE_DCD_HANDSHAKE    Enable output handshaking using
                                             the data-carrier-detect (DCD)
                       MODE_DSR_SENSITIVITY  Enable input sensitivity using
                                             the data-set-ready (DSR)
fbFlowReplace          Specifies the flow control and replacement character
                       modes. It can be a combination of the following
                       Value                 Meaning
                       MODE_AUTO_TRANSMIT    Enable automatic transmit flow
                                             control (XON/XOFF).
                       MODE_AUTO_RECEIVE     Enable automatic receive flow
                                             control (XON/XOFF).
                       MODE_ERROR_CHAR       Enable error replacement
                       MODE_NULL_STRIPPING   Enable null stripping (remove
                                             null bytes).
                       MODE_BREAK_CHAR       Enable break replacement
                       MODE_RTS_CONTROL      Enable the request-to-send
                                             (RTS) control mode.
                       MODE_RTS_HANDSHAKE    Enable the request-to-send
                                             (RTS) input handshaking mode.
                       MODE_TRANSMIT_TOGGLE  Enable toggling on transmit
fbTimeout              Specifies the time-out processing for the device. It
                       can be a combination of the following values:
                       Value                     Meaning
                       MODE_NO_WRITE_TIMEOUT     Enable write infinite
                                                 time-out processing.
                       MODE_READ_TIMEOUT         Enable normal read time-out
                       MODE_WAIT_READ_TIMEOUT    Enable wait-for-something
                                                 read time-out processing.
                       MODE_NOWAIT_READ_TIMEOUT  Enable no-wait read
                                                 time-out processing.
bErrorReplacementChar  Specifies the error replacement character.
bBreakReplacementChar  Specifies the break replacement character.
bXONChar               Specifies the transmission on (XON) character.
bXOFFChar              Specifies the transmission off (XOFF) character.
See Also