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typedef struct _FIOLOCKCMD {    /* flc */
    USHORT  usCmd;
    USHORT  cLockCnt;
    ULONG   cTimeOut;
The FIOLOCKCMD structure contains information used by the DosFileIO function
for locking a file.
Field     Description
usCmd     Specifies the command to pass to the DosFileIO function. This
          field should be set to FIO_LOCK.
cLockCnt  Specifies the number of FIOLOCKREC structures that follow this
          structure. An FIOLOCKREC structure specifies the area of the file
          to lock and whether another process can read the locked portion.
cTimeOut  Specifies the time-out period (in milliseconds). If this field is
          NULL, the DosFileIO function continues immediately with the next
          command. If this field is -1, DosFileIO waits indefinitely for the
          requested lock to become available. Any other value specifies the
          maximum amount of time DosFileIO waits for the requested lock to
          become available.
See Also
DosFileIO, DosFileLocks, FIOLOCKREC