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typedef struct _FIOSEEKCMD {    /* fsc */
    USHORT  usCmd;
    USHORT  fsMethod;
    ULONG   cbDistance;
    ULONG   cbNewPosition;
The FIOSEEKCMD structure contains information used by the DosFileIO
function's seek operation.
Field          Description
usCmd          Specifies the command to be passed to the DosFileIO function.
               This field must be set to FIO_SEEK.
fsMethod       Specifies where to begin the seek operation. This field can
               be one of the following values:
               Value         Meaning
               FILE_BEGIN    Start at the beginning of the file.
               FILE_CURRENT  Start at the current location.
               FILE_END      Start at the end of the file.
cbDistance     Specifies the new position requested for the file pointer.
               The value of this field is the number of bytes offset from
               the starting position specified in the fsMethod field.
cbNewPosition  On return from the DosFileIO function, this field contains
               the new position of the file pointer relative to the
               beginning of the file.
See Also
DosChgFilePtr, DosFileIO