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typedef struct _FSQBUFFER {    /* fsqbf */
    USHORT  iType;
    USHORT  cbName;
    UCHAR   szName[1];
    USHORT  cbFSDName;
    UCHAR   szFSDName[1];
    USHORT  cbFSAData;
    UCHAR   rgFSAData[1];
The FSQBUFFER structure contains information about the file system attached
to a driver or device.
Field         Description
iType         Specifies the type of device. This field can contain one of
              the following values:
              Value           Type
              FSAT_CHARDEV    Resident character device
              FSAT_PSEUDODEV  Pseudo-character device
              FSAT_LOCALDRV   Local drive
              FSAT_REMOTEDRV  Remote drive attached to a file system
cbName        Specifies the length of the drive or device name, not
              including the null terminating character.
szName[1]     Specifies the drive or device name. The actual length of this
              field varies, depending on the length of the device name.
cbFSDName     Specifies the length of the file-system name, not including
              the null terminating character.
szFSDName[1]  Specifies the file-system name the drive or device is attached
              to. The actual length of this field varies depending on the
              length of the file-system name. This field contains only a
              null character if the device is a resident character device.
cbFSAData     Specifies the length of the data returned by the file system.
rgFSAData[1]  Specifies the data returned by the file system. The actual
              length and meaning of this field varies, depending on the file
              system that is attached.
This structure should be used only as a guideline. Because it contains
variable-length fields, it cannot be used directly to retrieve the data.
See Also