msos2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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typedef struct _HELPTABLE {     /* ht */
    USHORT        idAppWindow;
    PHELPSUBTABLE phstHelpSubTable;
    USHORT        idExtPanel;
The HELPTABLE structure identifies the help table for a specified
Field             Description
idAppWindow       Specifies the window ID of a frame or dialog window.
phstHelpSubTable  Points to a help subtable. The help subtable contains help
                  panel IDs for the child windows and/or menus in the
                  specified window.
idExtPanel        Specifies an extended help panel ID. This help panel is
                  displayed whenever extended help for the specified window
                  is requested.
The help table for an application usually consists of an array of two or
more HELPTABLE structures. Each structure specifies one window, such as a
frame or dialog window, and points to one subtable containing the help panel
IDs for each item in the window that the user may request help for. To mark
the end of the array, the last structure in the array must be zero-filled.
The help subtable, pointed to by the phstHelpSubTable field, is an array
help panel IDs and window or menu IDs. The first element in the help
subtable, a 16-bit integer, specifies the size, in 16-bit words, of each
subsequent element. The system requires that the first element be at least
2. All subsequent elements consist of the number of words specified by the
first element. The first word in an element must be a window or menu ID. The
second word must be a help panel ID. Any additional words are not used by
the system. The last element in the help subtable must be zero-filled.
See Also