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typedef struct _MLECTLDATA {    /* mlectl */
    USHORT cbCtlData;
    USHORT afIEFormat;
    ULONG  cchText;
    IPT    iptAnchor;
    IPT    iptCursor;
    LONG   cxFormat;
    LONG   cyFormat;
    ULONG  afFormatFlags;
The MLECTLDATA structure contains multiple-line entry-field (MLE) format
Field          Description
cbCtlData      Specifies the size of the structure (in bytes). Programs
               written in the C language should use the sizeof operator to
               set this field.
afIEFormat     Specifies the import/export format. This parameter is be one
               of the following values:
               Value          Meaning
               MLFIE_CFTEXT   Specifies the clipboard text format. This
                              format uses carriage-return/linefeed
                              characters for line breaks on export, and
                              recognizes linefeed, carriage-return/linefeed,
                              or linefeed/carriage-return characters for
                              line breaks on import. This is the default
               MLFIE_NOTRANS  Specifies a format that uses linefeed
                              characters for line breaks. Guarantees that
                              any text imported into the MLE in this form
                              can be recovered in exactly the same form on
               MLFIE_WINFMT   Specifies the format of the MLE window. This
                              format recognizes carriage-return/linefeed
                              characters for line breaks on import. It
                              ignores the sequence
                              carriage-return/carriage-return/linefeed. On
                              export, it uses carriage-return/linefeed
                              characters to denote a hard line break and
                              character to denote a soft line break caused
                              by word-wrapping.
cchText        Specifies the maximum amount (in bytes) of text.
iptAnchor      Specifies the offset (number of characters from the beginning
               of the text) of the first character of the selection.
iptCursor      Specifies the offset of the cursor position (one character to
               the right of the selection).
cxFormat       Specifies the width (in pels) of the format rectangle.
cyFormat       Specifies the height (in pels) of the format rectangle.
afFormatFlags  Specifies how the format rectangle is to be treated. This
               parameter can be one or more of the following flags:
               Value                   Meaning
               MLFFMTRECT_LIMITHORZ    Specifies that the text within the
                                       MLE cannot exceed the horizontal
                                       dimension specified by the cxFormat
                                       field. If word-wrap mode is turned on
                                       when the format rectangle is set,
                                       lines automatically wrap to stay
                                       within the horizontal limit of the
                                       format rectangle. If word-wrap mode
                                       is turned off when the format
                                       rectangle is set, an
                                       MLN_PIXHORZOVERFLOW notification
                                       message is sent to the application
                                       whenever an operation would exceed
                                       the horizontal limit specified in the
                                       format rectangle.
               MLFFMTRECT_LIMITVERT    Specifies that the text within the
                                       MLE cannot exceed the vertical
                                       dimension specified by the cyFormat
                                       field. Whenever an MLE operation
                                       would cause text to exceed the
                                       vertical limit, an
                                       MLN_PIXVERTOVERFLOW notification
                                       message is sent to the application.
               MLFFMTRECT_MATCHWINDOW  Specifies that the format rectangle
                                       is to be kept the same size as the
                                       MLE window (minus the border or
                                       scroll bars).
               MLFFMTRECT_FORMATRECT   Specifies that the format rectangle
                                       is to be kept the same size as the
                                       MLE window (minus the border or
                                       scroll bars) and that text cannot
                                       exceed the size of the window. This
                                       value is equivalent to combining the
                                       values MLFFMTRECT_LIMITHORZ,
                                       MLFFMTRECT_LIMITVERT, and
See Also