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typedef struct _MONITORPOSITION {    /* mnpos */
    USHORT fPosition;
    USHORT index;
    PBYTE  pbInBuf;
    USHORT offOutBuf;
The MONITORPOSITION structure contains information about a monitor.
Field      Description
fposition  Specifies the position-flag parameter used in the DosMonReg
           function. It can be one of the following values:
           Value            Meaning
           MONITOR_DEFAULT  Place the monitor anywhere in the chain.
           MONITOR_BEGIN    Place the monitor at the beginning of the chain,
                            in front of any other monitors already in the
           MONITOR_END      Place the monitor at the end of the chain, after
                            any other monitors already in the chain.
index      Specifies a device-specific value.
pbInBuf    Points to the monitor-input buffer that is initialized by the
           monitor dispatcher and used by the DosMonRead function.
offOutBuf  Specifies the offset to the monitor-output buffer that is
           initialized by the monitor dispatcher and used by the
           DosMonWrite function.
See Also
DosMonRead, DosMonReg, DosMonWrite, MON_REGISTERMONITOR