mw.hlp (Topic list)
HEADER/FOOTER DIALOG BOX          (Screen 1 of 2)
Format As
  Turn on the option you want:
   Header   Text appears at the top of page.
   Footer   Text appears at the bottom of page.
   None     Existing header or footer becomes a
            normal paragraph.
Print On
  Indicate where header or footer should print:
   First Page   Prints on first page. To print a
                header at top of first page of
                document or section, the header
                must be the first paragraph.
HEADER/FOOTER DIALOG BOX          (Screen 2 of 2)
Print On (continued)
   Odd Pages    Prints on odd-numbered pages.
   Even Pages   Prints on even-numbered pages.
Align At
  By default, headers and footers are aligned at
  the left margin. If you want them to print in
  the margin to the left or right of the text
  area, turn on the Edge Of Paper option.
  Displays the Header/Footer Options dialog box.