mw.hlp (Topic list)
<Index>               <Back>               <Exit>
To:               Press:          Or:
Apply macro       Ctrl+key code
 with key code
Insert macro      Alt,M,E         Type macro
 text for                          name, then
 editing                           caret(^), then
                                   press F3
Record macro      Alt,M,C         Ctrl+F3
Run macro         Alt,M,R         Type macro
                                   name, then
                                   press F3
Step through a    Alt,M,R,        Press Esc while
 macro             then turn on    macro runs,
                   Step check      then turn on
                   box             Single Step
                                   check box
Stop macro        Alt,M,C         Ctrl+F3
Note: If you use a macro key code that begins
      with the same letter as a speed formatting
      key, press and hold Ctrl+A and then press
      the formatting key.