NMAKE Help (nmake.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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     You can place commonly used information in the TOOLS.INI
     initialization file. NMAKE uses this information in every session,
     unless you run NMAKE with the /R option. NMAKE reads TOOLS.INI
     before it reads makefile information.
     See: Makefiles
     The NMAKE section of TOOLS.INI must follow a line that begins with
     the tag [NMAKE]. The tag is not case sensitive. The section can
     contain any makefile information. A dependency appearing in
     TOOLS.INI acts as the first dependency in the makefile for every
     NMAKE session (unless /R is specified).
     NMAKE looks for TOOLS.INI first in the current directory and then
     in the directory specified by the INIT environment variable.
     Use !CMDSWITCHES to specify options in TOOLS.INI. The options are
     in effect for every NMAKE session. (This serves the same purpose
     as an environment variable, available with some other utilities.)
     See: !CMDSWITCHES Directive
     Macros and inference rules in TOOLS.INI can be overridden.
     See: Precedence Among Macro Definitions
          Predefined Inference Rules
     To place a comment in TOOLS.INI, specify the comment on a separate
     line beginning with a semicolon (;). You can also specify comments
     with a number sign (#) as you can in a makefile.
     See: Comments