oem.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Multiple Configurations -- Examples
                    Multiple Configurations ── Examples
Defining multiple configurations in your CONFIG.SYS file
The following CONFIG.SYS file defines two configurations:
    device=c:dos\emm386 2048
This CONFIG.SYS file configures the computer for either Steve or Lisa. For
both configurations, MS-DOS carries out the three commands in the first
[common] section: DOS=HIGH, BUFFERS=15, and DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS. Steve
uses a desktop publishing program that requires expanded memory, so his
configuration includes a command for EMM386. He does not use the network.
Lisa uses the network but not desktop publishing. Her configuration starts
the network driver.
Defining multiple configurations in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file
When a configuration is selected from the startup menu, MS-DOS defines an
environment variable named CONFIG and sets it to the name of the selected
configuration block. In the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, you can use the <GOTO>
command to have MS-DOS carry out different sets of commands for different
CONFIG values.
The following AUTOEXEC.BAT file uses the GOTO command with the CONFIG
variable to carry out different sets of commands. This AUTOEXEC.BAT file is
designed to work with the sample CONFIG.SYS file in the preceding section.
    set temp=c:\temp
    ; Go to the section that matches the current
    ; value of the CONFIG variable
    goto %config%
    ; now skip Lisa's section & go to end
    goto end
    net logon lisa
    goto end
When MS-DOS runs this AUTOEXEC.BAT file, it starts SMARTDrive, sets the TEMP
environment variable, and starts the MS-DOS Anti-Virus program. MS-DOS then
goes to the section that matches the value of the CONFIG variable.
If the name of the selected configuration is "Steve," MS-DOS goes to the
Steve section. It then sets the search path for Steve, loads the MOUSE.COM
program from the C:\MOUSE directory, and runs the desktop publishing
program. The GOTO END command instructs MS-DOS to skip to the End section;
this prevents the commands in the Lisa section from being carried out for
Steve's configuration.
If the current configuration is "Lisa," the search path is set differently,
MS-DOS runs the Doskey program, and a Logon command instructs the network
driver (loaded from the CONFIG.SYS file) to connect the computer to the