oem.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Note  Examples
Starts the Nlsfunc program, which loads country-specific information for
national language support (NLS).
You can use the NLSFUNC command either from the command line or within your
CONFIG.SYS file to support the use of country-specific information and
character set (code page) switching.
Do not use the NLSFUNC command while Windows is running. If you do, your
computer might stop responding.
    NLSFUNC [[drive:][path]filename]
In your CONFIG.SYS file, use the following syntax:
    INSTALL=[[dos-drive:]dos-path]NLSFUNC.EXE [country-filename]
[drive:][path]filename or country-filename
    Specifies the location and name of the file containing country-specific
    information. If you use this parameter in the INSTALL command, you must
    include the drive and directory.
    Specifies the location of NLSFUNC.EXE.
Related Commands
For information about displaying the current character set (code page), see
the <CHCP> command.
For information about preparing a character set (code page), see the
<MODE (set device code pages)> command.