overview.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
About Hooks (1.2)
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                                About Hooks
This topic describes how to use hooks in your applications.
MS OS/2 is based on a message-passing model. The behavior of most programs
depends on the messages that the program receives. Messages can be generated
by input devices, such as the keyboard and mouse, or they can originate
within the system as a way of managing and communicating between system
MS OS/2 provides hooks to allow applications to monitor and modify the
message stream. Hooks can be installed in either the system queue, so that
they affect all applications, or in an individual thread's message queue, so
that only messages for that queue are affected.
Because many applications may install hooks at the same time, most hooks are
arranged in chains. The system passes a message to the first hook in the
chain, and then to the next hook in the chain, and so on until the message
is delivered to the destination application. Each hook may modify the
message or stop its progress through the chain, preventing it from reaching
the application. Hooks in a chain are called in last-installed, first-called
Types of Hooks
There are six different types of hooks. You can install the different types
of hooks in any combination, although some of the hook types can be
installed only in the system queue.
The following sections describe the available types of hooks. Each type of
hook is expressed as a function with a unique syntax.
Input Hook
This hook monitors the input queue and is called whenever a message is about
to be returned by the WinGetMsg or WinPeekMsg function. Typically, the input
hook is used to monitor mouse and keyboard input and other messages that are
posted to a queue.
The syntax for the input hook is as follows:
The pQmsg parameter is a far pointer to a QMSG structure that contains
information about the message.
The fs parameter of the InputHook function can contain the following flags
from the WinPeekMsg function, indicating whether or not the message is
removed from the queue:
If this hook function returns TRUE, the message is not passed to the rest of
the hook chain or to the application──effectively ending the message. If the
function returns FALSE, the message is passed to the next hook in the chain,
or to the application if no other hooks exist.
The input hook can modify a message by changing the contents of the QMSG
structure, then return FALSE to pass the modified message to the rest of the
chain. The following problems may occur when a hook modifies a message:
♦  If the caller uses the WinPeekMsg or WinGetMsg function with a message
   filter range (msgFilterFirst through msgFilterLast), the message is
   checked before the hooks are called, not after the hooks are called. This
   means the caller may receive messages that are not in the range of the
   caller's message filter.
♦  If the hook changes a WM_CHAR message from one character into
   another──for example, if the hook modifies all TAB messages into F6
   messages──a program that depends on the key state will be unable to
   interpret the result. (When the TAB key is translated into the F6 key,
   the application receives the F6 keystroke and enters a process loop,
   waiting for the F6 key to be released; the application calls the
   WinGetKeyState function with the HWND_DESKTOP and VK_F6 arguments).
Send-Message Hook
This hook is called whenever a message is sent by using the WinSendMsg
function. The hook chain is called before the message is delivered to the
recipient window. Typically, the send-message hook is used to monitor
messages that are not posted to a queue. By installing an input hook and a
send-message hook, you can effectively monitor all window messages.
The syntax for the send-message hook is as follows:
                           BOOL fInterTask)
The psmh parameter is a far pointer to an SMHSTRUCT structure that contains
information about the message.
The fInterTask parameter of the SendMsgHook function is TRUE if the message
is sent between two threads, or FALSE if the message is sent within a
The send-message hook does not return a value, and the next hook in the
chain is always called. This hook can modify values in the SMHSTRUCT
structure before returning.
Message-Filter Hook
This hook is called during system modal loops, which include tracking the
window size and window movement, displaying a dialog box or message box,
scroll-bar tracking, menu-selection tracking, and window-enumeration
operations. The message-filter hook is typically used to provide
input-message filtering (such as monitoring hot keys) during modal dialog
The syntax of the message-filter hook is as follows:
BOOL EXPENTRY MsgFilterHook(HAB hab, PQMSG pQmsg, USHORT msgf)
The msgf parameter has the following three values:
Value            Meaning
MSGF_DIALOGBOX   Message originated while processing a modal dialog window.
MSGF_MESSAGEBOX  Message originated while processing a message box.
MSGF_TRACK       Message originated while tracking a control (such as a
                 scroll bar).
The pQmsg parameter of the MsgFilterHook function is a far pointer to a
QMSG structure containing information about the message.
If this hook returns TRUE, the message is not passed to the rest of the hook
chain or to the application. If it returns FALSE, the message is passed to
the next hook in the chain, or to the application if no other hooks exist.
This hook allows applications to perform message filtering during modal
loops that is equivalent to the typical filtering for the main message loop.
For example, applications often examine a new message in the main event loop
between the time they retrieve the message from the queue and the time they
dispatch it, performing special processing as appropriate. The following
code fragment shows a main message loop that tests for the ENTER key and the
ESC key before dispatching an event:
while (WinGetMsg(hab, (PQMSG) &qmsg, (HWND) NULL, 0, 0)) {
   if ((qmsg.msg == WM_CHAR) && !(LOUSHORT(qmsg.mp1) & KC_KEYUP)
            && !hwndQueue) {
        switch (HIUSHORT(qmsg.mp2)) {
            case VK_ESC:
                /* Use the ESC key.       */
            case VK_NEWLINE:
                /* Use the newline event. */
    WinDispatchMsg(hab, (PQMSG) &qmsg);
You cannot usually do this sort of filtering during a modal loop, since the
loop created by the WinGetMsg and WinDispatchMsg functions is executed by
the system. If you install a message-filter hook, the hook is called by the
system between WinGetMsg and WinDispatchMsg in the modal processing loop.
Your application can also call the message-filter loop directly by calling
the WinCallMsgFilter function. By using this function, you can use the same
code to filter messages in your main message loop and during modal loops. In
the example shown previously for processing main message loops, you would
encapsulate the filtering operations in a message-filter hook and call
WinCallMsgFilter between the calls to the WinGetMsg and WinDispatchMsg
functions, as shown in the following code fragment:
while (WinGetMsg(hab, (PQMSG) &qmsg, (HWND) NULL, 0, 0)) {
    if (!WinCallMsgFilter(hab, (PQMSG) &qmsg, 0))
        WinDispatchMsg(hab, (PQMSG) &qmsg);
The last argument of the WinCallMsgFilter function is simply passed to the
hook; the application can enter any value. This value can be used by the
hook to determine where the hook was called from, by defining a constant
Journal-Record Hook
This hook monitors the system queue and allows the application to record
input events. Typically, it is used to record a set of mouse and keyboard
events that can be played back later by using the journal-playback hook. The
journal-record hook can be installed only in the system queue.
The syntax for the journal-record hook is as follows:
VOID EXPENTRY JournalRecordHook(HAB hab, PQMSG pQmsg)
The pQmsg parameter is a far pointer to a QMSG structure containing
information about the message. The hook is called after the raw input has
been processed enough to create valid WM_CHAR or double-click mouse messages
and the window-handle field of the QMSG structure has been set.
The journal-record hook does not return a value, and the next hook in the
chain is always called. Typically, this hook saves the input event to the
disk, to be played back later. The hwnd field of the QMSG structure is not
important and is ignored when the message is read back.
Character messages are passed to the journal-record hook as WM_VIOCHAR
messages. The format of the WM_VIOCHAR message is as follows:
fsKeyFlags = (USHORT) SHORT1FROMMP(mp1);    /* key flags    */
uchRepeat = (UCHAR) CHAR3FROMMP(mp1);       /* repeat count */
uchScanCode = (UCHAR) CHAR4FROMMP(mp1);     /* scan code    */
usChr = (UCHAR) CHAR1FROMMP(mp2));          /* character    */
uschKbdScan = (UCHAR) CHAR2FROMMP(mp2));    /* virtual key  */
The WM_VIOCHAR message was chosen over the WM_CHAR message because it
preserves that raw information from the keyboard driver that is needed for
video input and output.
The following mouse messages are passed to the journal-record hook:
The positions stored in the mouse messages are in screen coordinates. The
system does not combine mouse clicks into double clicks before calling the
hook, since there is no guarantee that both clicks will be in the same
window when they are read back.
A WM_JOURNALNOTIFY message is passed to the journal-record hook whenever a
program calls the WinGetPhysKeyState or WinQueryQueueStatus function. This
message is necessary because the system is reduced to a queue that is only
one message deep while a playback hook is active. For example, the user
might press the A, B, and C keys while in record mode. While the program is
processing the "A" character message, the B key might be down;
WinGetPhysKeyState will return this information. However, during playback
mode, the system only knows that it is currently processing the A key.
The format of the WM_JOURNALNOTIFY message is as follows:
For the WinGetPhysKeyState function:
ulCmd = LONGFROMMP(mp1);            /* calling function   */
sc = SHORT1FROMMP(mp2);             /* virtual key        */
fsPhysKeyState = SHORT2FROMMP(mp2); /* physical-key state */
For the WinQueryQueueStatus function:
ulCmd = LONGFROMMP(mp1);            /* calling function   */
ulQueStatus = LONGFROMMP(mp2);      /* queue status       */
Journal-Playback Hook
The journal-playback hook allows an application to insert messages into the
system queue. Typically, this hook is used to play back a series of mouse
and keyboard events that were recorded earlier by using the journal-record
hook. This hook can be installed only in the system queue.
Regular mouse and keyboard input is disabled as long as a journal-playback
hook is installed. It is important to note that, since mouse and keyboard
input are disabled, this hook can easily hang the system.
The syntax for the journal-playback hook is as follows:
ULONG EXPENTRY JournalPlaybackHook(HAB hab, BOOL fSkip,
    PQMSG pQmsg)
The pQmsg parameter is a far pointer to a QMSG structure that the hook fills
in with the message to be played back. If the fSkip parameter is FALSE, the
hook should fill in the QMSG structure with the current recorded message.
The same message should be returned each time the hook is called, until
fSkip is TRUE. The same message may be returned many times if an application
is examining the queue but not removing the message. If fSkip is TRUE, the
hook should advance to the next message without attempting to fill in the
QMSG structure, since the pQmsg parameter is NULL when fSkip is TRUE.
The journal-playback hook returns a ULONG time-out value. This value tells
the system how many milliseconds to wait before processing the current
message from the playback hook. This allows the hook to control the timing
of the events it plays back.
The time field of the QMSG structure is filled in with the current time
before the playback hook is called. The hook should use the time stored in
this field instead of the system clock to set up the delays.
The journal-playback hook, on the other hand, has the option of playing back
either WM_VIOCHAR or WM_CHAR messages. The preferred method is to play back
WM_VIOCHAR messages, since they contain the information required to function
in a video-input-and-output window. If WM_CHAR messages are returned, the
appropriate KC bits must be set or cleared.
Help Hook
The help hook is called during the default processing of the WM_HELP
message. Help processing is done in two stages: creating the WM_HELP message
and calling the help hook. The WM_HELP message can come from the following
♦  From a WM_CHAR message, after translation by an ACCEL structure with the
   AF_HELP style. The default system accelerator table translates the F1 key
   into a help message. The WM_HELP message is posted to the current focus
   window, which can be a menu, a button, a frame, or your client window.
♦  From a menu-bar selection, when the MIS_HELP style is specified for the
   menu-bar item. The WM_HELP message is posted to the current focus
♦  From a dialog-box push button, when the BS_HELP style is specified for
   the push button. The WM_HELP message is posted to the button's owner
   window, which is normally the dialog window.
♦  From a message box, when the MB_HELP style is specified for the message
   box. The WM_HELP message is posted to the message-box dialog window.
The WM_HELP message is posted to the current focus window. The default
processing in the WinDefWindowProc function is to pass the message up to the
parent window. If the message reaches the client window, it can be processed
there. If the message reaches a frame window, the default frame-window
procedure calls the help hook. The help hook is also called if a WM_HELP
message is generated while the application is in menu mode──that is, while a
selection is being made from a menu.
The syntax for the help hook is as follows:
BOOL EXPENTRY HelpHook(HAB hab, USHORT usMode, USHORT idTopic,
    USHORT idSubTopic, PRECTL prcPosition)
If this hook function returns TRUE, the message is not passed to the rest of
the hook chain or to the application. If it returns FALSE, the message is
passed to the next hook in the chain. The arguments of the help hook provide
context information, such as the screen coordinates of the focus window and
whether the message originated in a message box or a menu.
The WM_HELP message often goes to a frame window instead of to the client
window. The frame window (including dialog boxes and message boxes)
processes a WM_HELP message as follows:
♦  If the parent of the window with the focus is the FID_CLIENT
   frame-control window, the frame window calls the help hook, specifying
   the following:
       Mode = HLPM_FRAME
       Topic = frame-window identifier
       Subtopic = focus-window identifier
       Position = screen coordinates of focus window
♦  If the parent of the focus window is not an FID_CLIENT window (it could
   be the frame window or a second-level dialog window), the frame window
   calls the help hook, specifying the following:
       Mode = HLPM_WINDOW
       Topic = identifier of parent of focus window
       Subtopic = focus-window identifier
       Position = screen coordinates of focus window
An application receives the WM_HELP message in its dialog-window procedure.
The application can ignore the message, in which case the frame-manager
action occurs as described, or the application can handle the WM_HELP
message directly.
Menu windows receive a WM_HELP message when the user presses the help
accelerator key (F1 by default) while a menu is displayed. Menu windows
process WM_HELP messages by calling the help hook, specifying the
    Mode = HLPM_MENU
    Topic = identifier of pull-down menu
    Subtopic = identifier of selected item in pull-down menu
    Position = screen coordinates of selected item
The help hook should respond to the help message by displaying information
about the selected menu item.
The WinDefWindowProc function processes WM_HELP messages by passing the
message to the parent window. The message typically moves up the parent
chain until it arrives at a frame window.