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MS OS/2 System Architecture (1.2)
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                        MS OS/2 System Architecture
This topic is an overview of the features of Microsoft Operating System/2.
The most important of these features are the graphical user interface and
device-independent graphics provided by the MS OS/2 Presentation Manager and
the multitasking and other system services provided by the MS OS/2 base. In
particular, this overview describes the following:
♦  MS OS/2 and Presentation Manager
♦  The window manager
♦  The graphics programming interface (GPI)
♦  The system services
♦  The MS OS/2 system functions
MS OS/2 and Presentation Manager
In a multitasking environment, it is important to give all applications some
portion of the screen through which they can interact with the user. One of
the principal goals of MS OS/2 is to provide visual access to most, if not
all, applications at the same time. This access can be granted either by
giving selected applications full use of the screen while other applications
wait in the background or by letting applications share the screen. In MS
OS/2, each application decides which method to use by choosing a "session"
to run in. The session dictates whether the application receives complete
control of the screen or must share it with other applications.
When MS OS/2 first starts, it creates the Presentation Manager session. All
applications in this session share the screen. Applications that run in this
session are called Presentation Manager applications, since Presentation
Manager is the portion of MS OS/2 that creates and manages the Presentation
Manager session. When a new application starts, it can direct the system to
create a new session for it. The new session gives complete control of the
screen to the application. Applications that use the full screen are called
full-screen applications.
A Presentation Manager application shares the display with other
applications by using a "window" for interaction with the user. Basically, a
window is a rectangular portion of the system display that the system grants
to an application. However, a window is also a combination of useful visual
devices, such as menus, controls, and scroll bars, with which the user
directs the actions of the application.
A Presentation Manager application must create its own window before
producing any output or receiving any input. Once the application creates
its window, MS OS/2 provides the application with detailed information about
what the user is doing with the window and automatically carries out many of
the tasks the user requests, such as moving and sizing the window.
A Presentation Manager application can create and use any number of windows
to display information in a variety of ways. The system manages the screen,
controlling the placement and display of windows and ensuring that no two
applications attempt to access the same part of the system display at the
same time. (In the latter case, the system overlaps the window of one
application with the window of the other.)
Queued Input
In traditional programming environments, a program reads from the keyboard
by making an explicit call to a function (getchar, for example). The
function typically waits until the user presses a key before returning the
character code to the program. A Presentation Manager application does not
make explicit calls to read from the keyboard. Instead, MS OS/2 receives all
input from the keyboard, mouse, and timer into its system queue and
automatically redirects the input to the application by copying it from the
system queue to the application queue. When the application is ready to
retrieve input, it reads from its queue and dispatches the message to the
appropriate window.
In Presentation Manager, input from the keyboard and mouse is provided
automatically to every window that is created. MS OS/2 provides input in a
uniform format called an input message. This message contains information
about the input that far exceeds the information available in other
environments. An input message specifies the system time, the position of
the mouse, the state of the keyboard, the scan code of the key (if a key is
pressed), the number of the mouse button (if a button is pressed), and the
device that generated the message. For example, the keyboard message
WM_CHAR corresponds to a press or release of a specific key. In each
message, MS OS/2 provides a device-independent virtual-key code that
identifies the key, as well as the device-dependent scan code generated by
the keyboard. The message also specifies the status of other keys on the
keyboard, such as SHIFT, CTRL, and NUMLOCK. Keyboard, mouse, and timer
messages all have the same format and are processed in the same manner.
Device-Independent Graphics
In Presentation Manager, you have access to a rich set of device-independent
graphics operations. This means that your applications can easily draw
lines, rectangles, circles, and complex regions, and can use the same calls
and data to draw on a high-resolution graphics display as they use to draw
on a dot-matrix printer.
MS OS/2 requires device drivers to convert graphics-output requests to
output for a printer, plotter, display, or other output device. A device
driver is a special executable library that an application can load and use
to carry out graphics operations in the "context" of the specific
device──that is, the device driver, the output device, and the
communications port.
Shared Resources
MS OS/2 is a multitasking system. This means that more than one application
can run at a time. Presentation Manager applications must share the display,
the keyboard, the mouse, and even the CPU with all other applications that
are currently running in the same session. For this reason, MS OS/2
carefully controls these resources and requires applications to use a
specific program interface that guarantees this control.
The Window Manager
The MS OS/2 window manager consists of the MS OS/2 system functions that let
applications create and manage windows and related elements. These related
elements are primarily menus, dialog windows, and the message loop. The
window manager provides the elements that your applications need to
construct a graphical user interface.
A window is the primary input and output device of any Presentation Manager
application. It is the application's only access to the system display, so,
since nearly all Presentation Manager applications interact with the user in
some way through the system display, these applications must use windows.
A window is a rectangle on the system display. A typical window is composed
of a title bar, a menu bar, scroll bars, borders, and other features. You
list the features you want for a window when you create the window. MS OS/2
then draws and manages the window.
Interestingly, most Presentation Manager user-interface elements are also
windows, including menus, title bars, buttons, entry fields, icons, and
scroll bars.
Although an application creates a window and technically "owns" it, the
management of the window is actually a collaborative effort between the
application and the system. The system maintains the position and appearance
of the window, manages the standard window features such as the border,
scroll bars, and title, and carries out many tasks initiated by the user
that directly affect the window. The application maintains everything else
about the window──in particular, the client window, in which the application
is free to display anything it wants.
To manage this collaborative effort, MS OS/2 advises each window of changes
that might affect it. Every window must have a corresponding window
procedure to receive these window-management messages and respond
appropriately. Window-management messages either specify actions for the
function to take or request information from the function.
Menus are the principal means of user input for a Presentation Manager
application. A menu is a list of commands that the user can view and choose
from. When you create an application, you supply the menu name and the
command names. MS OS/2 displays and manages the menus for you, sending a
message to the window procedure when the user makes a choice. This message
is the signal to carry out the command.
Dialog Windows
A dialog window is a temporary window that you can create to let the user
supply more information for a command. A dialog window contains one or more
controls. A control is a small window that has a very simple input or output
function. The controls in a dialog window give the user a means of supplying
filenames, choosing options, and otherwise directing the action of the
command. For example, an entry-field control lets the user enter and edit
The Message Loop
Since your application receives input through a message queue, the chief
feature of any Presentation Manager application is the message loop. The
message loop retrieves input messages from the message queue and dispatches
them to the appropriate windows.
For example, MS OS/2 collects hardware input, in the form of messages, in
its system queue. It then copies this input to the appropriate message
queue. The message loop in the application retrieves a message from the
message queue and dispatches it, through the system, to the appropriate
window procedure. The window procedure can respond to an input message by
calling MS OS/2 functions to carry out work in the window.
For a more specific example, consider how the system and an application
collaborate to process keyboard-input messages. The system receives keyboard
input when the user presses and releases a key. The system copies the
keyboard messages from the system queue to the application's message queue.
The message loop retrieves the keyboard messages, translates them into
ANSI-character WM_CHAR messages, and dispatches the WM_CHAR messages to the
appropriate window procedure. The window procedure then uses the
GpiCharString function to display the character in the client window.
MS OS/2 sends window-management messages directly to a window (Win)
function. For example, after MS OS/2 carries out a request to destroy a
window, it sends a WM_DESTROY message directly to the window procedure,
bypassing the message queue. The window procedure must then use the
WinPostMsg function to copy a WM_QUIT message into the message queue,
signaling the main function that the window is destroyed and that the
application should terminate. When the message loop retrieves the WM_QUIT
message, the loop terminates and the main function exits.
The Graphics Programming Interface
The graphics programming interface (GPI) consists of the MS OS/2 system
functions that let you create device-independent graphics for your
applications. The Gpi functions are used in conjunction with the window
manager to draw lines, shapes, and text in a window. Applications can also
use the Gpi functions to draw graphics output on such devices as raster
printers and vector plotters.
Presentation Spaces and Device Contexts
A presentation space is the key to an application's access to the system
display, to printers, and to other graphics-output devices. Conceptually, a
presentation space is a device-independent space in which you can create and
manipulate graphics for display. The presentation space defines your drawing
environment by specifying the tools you have available to create graphics.
These tools include the graphics primitives granted to every presentation
space, as well as the bitmaps and fonts that your application loads for its
exclusive use.
Actually, a presentation space is little more than a data structure whose
fields contain values defining the drawing environment. The values represent
the colors, widths, styles, and other attributes of the graphics you draw.
The system creates the data structure when you create the presentation space
and initializes the structure to default values.
You must create a presentation space to create graphics. You must also
create a device context to display those graphics on a device. A device
context is a bridge from a presentation space to a specific device. You
create a device context by specifying the device you want to access and the
type of access you want, such as direct or queued (for printing). You begin
displaying graphics on the device by associating the device context with the
presentation space. Once you have associated the device context, any lines,
text, and images you draw in the presentation space are also displayed on
the given device.
Like a presentation space, a device context is a data structure. It contains
information about the device driver that supports the specified device. The
device driver interprets graphics commands sent to it from the presentation
space and creates the corresponding commands for its device. It then sends
the commands either directly to the device or to the spooler, depending on
the type of access you gave the device context when you created it.
Graphics Primitives
In MS OS/2, graphics primitives are lines, arcs, markers, text, areas, and
images. They are called primitives because you use them as the basic tools
to create the documents, pictures, and other composite graphics that your
applications display to the user.
You draw a primitive by using a Gpi function. For example, to draw a line,
you use the GpiLine function and specify the ending point of the line. The
function uses the current point as the starting point for the line and draws
from the starting point to the ending point. The current point is simply the
ending point of the last primitive, unless you explicitly set the current
point by using a function such as GpiMove.
A line primitive is a straight line. An arc primitive is a curve. Curves can
be arcs of a circle or of an ellipse, or they can be more complex curves
such as splines and fillets. A marker primitive is a mark or character that
you draw at a specific point. Markers are typically used to plot points in a
graph. An area primitive is a closed figure that has been filled with a
pattern. A common use for an area primitive is to represent a cross-section
in a mechanical drawing. An image is a bitmapped image, with each bit
representing the color of a pel (picture element) on the device. Images are
often used for complex pictures that cannot easily be drawn.
Every primitive has a corresponding set of primitive attributes. The
attributes specify the color, style, size, and orientation of the primitive
when your application draws it. The primitive attributes are given default
values when you create the presentation space, so you can use the primitives
immediately. However, you can reset the attributes at any time. You have the
choice of changing the attributes for individual primitives or changing a
specific attribute for all primitives. For example, you can set the color
for all primitives by using the GpiSetColor function, or you can set it for
just the line primitive by using the GpiSetAttrs function.
Other Graphics Tools
In addition to the graphics primitives, MS OS/2 provides graphics tools that
you can use to draw graphics and to affect how the graphics are drawn. These
tools are paths, bitmaps, clipping areas, transformations, and color
A path is a sequence of lines that you can use to create a filled area, a
geometric line, or a clip path. A path is very much like an area primitive,
in that you can use the path as a closed figure and fill it with a pattern.
Unlike an area primitive, however, a path can be used to create geometric
lines, sometimes called wide lines. Geometric lines are drawn, using a given
width and pattern, so that they follow the outline specified by the path.
Geometric lines give you a selection of line styles and patterns that are
not available with the line primitive.
A bitmap is an array of bits that represents an image that you can display
on a raster output device. Bitmaps typically represent scanned images and
icons and are very much like image primitives. Unlike an image primitive,
however, a bitmap can have several different formats, each format specifying
color information that an image primitive cannot contain. Also, bitmaps can
be used to create fill patterns that you can use to fill figures created
using paths and area primitives. Finally, bitmaps can be copied from one
presentation space to another or even from one location to another within
the same presentation space.
A font is a collection of characters and symbols that you can use to draw
text. Characters in a font belong to the same typeface and share
stroke-width and serif characteristics. Some common fonts are 12-point
Helvetica, 10-point Times Roman Bold, and 12-point Courier Italic. To use
fonts in an application, you first create a logical font that describes the
typeface and other characteristics that you want. Then you use the local
identifier for the logical font to set that font as the current font for the
presentation space. Subsequent text functions use the current font to draw
Clipping is a process that limits graphics output to a specific region on
the display or on a page of printer paper. You can use clipping with a
presentation space by creating a clipping area. The clipping area is the
region where output can appear. If an application attempts to draw output
outside a clipping area, the system will "clip" the output, preventing it
from appearing on the device. You can create a clipping area for a
presentation space by setting the dimensions of the graphics field and
viewing limits or by creating a clip path or clip region. The final clipping
area is the intersection of these four possible clip regions.
A transformation defines how the system should map the points in one
coordinate space onto another coordinate space. Since all graphics
primitives and other drawing tools use coordinate spaces, a transformation
affects the way all graphics are drawn by your application. For example, you
can use a transformation to move a figure from one place to another on the
display or to rotate or adjust the size of the figure. Transformations are
typically used to give the user different perspectives on a single drawing
or to create rotated or sheared figures that would be time-consuming for the
application to plot and draw.
A logical color table is an array of colors that an application uses when
drawing graphics. Any primitive or other graphic you draw has one of the
colors given in the table. You specify a color by giving a color index. The
index identifies the table entry defining the color you want. Every
presentation space has a default color table when it is created, but you can
create a new logical color table to replace the default table if you need
other colors. Creating a new table associates the color indexes with
whatever color you have specified in the corresponding table entry.
You draw graphics by using the MS OS/2 drawing functions. A drawing function
draws a primitive or other graphic, applying the primitive attributes and
whatever information you supply to the function when you call it. For
example, when drawing line primitives, the system applies the current line
color and style. The style determines whether the line is solid or a series
of dashes, dots, or both.
Some attributes apply to all graphics primitives. For example, the
foreground and background colors and mix modes affect all primitives. The
foreground color defines the color of the primitive and the background color
defines the color "behind" the primitive. For a line drawn using a dashed
style, the dashes have the foreground color and the gaps between the dashes
have the background color. The mix modes define how the foreground and
background colors are combined with colors already on the display. The mix
mode can cause the color to overpaint the existing color, leave it alone, or
mix with it by using a binary operator such as the exclusive-OR operator.
Some attributes are specific to a particular graphics primitive. For
example, the arc parameters apply only to arcs. The arc parameters specify a
transformation that maps a circle to another circle, ellipse, or similar
shape. When you draw an arc, the system uses the shape defined by the
transformed circle as the shape for your arc. You supply a multiplier to set
the final size of the arc.
A number of drawing functions use loadable resources to draw graphics. For
example, the text-drawing functions, such as GpiCharString and
GpiCharStringPos, can use a loaded font to draw text. To make a loadable
resource available for these functions, you typically load the resource into
memory and create a local identifier for the resource. For example, to use a
font resource, you load it using the GpiLoadFonts function and then set the
local identifier by using the GpiCreateLogFont function. Once you have a
local identifier, you can set the resource to be the current resource by
using a function such as GpiSetCharSet. Along with the text-drawing
functions, the marker and area functions can use resources when they draw.
Retained Graphics and Segments
MS OS/2 lets you retain the graphics you draw in your application by storing
them in retained segments. You create a retained segment by setting the
drawing mode of the presentation space to DM_RETAIN or DM_DRAWANDRETAIN and
opening the segment. All subsequent graphics are stored in the segment (and
are also drawn on the device, if you specified DM_DRAWANDRETAIN). You can
close the segment at any time and draw the contents by using a function such
as GpiDrawSegment.
Retained segments are useful for storing graphics that result from user
input. Once stored, the graphics can be redrawn or edited at any time. An
element pointer lets the application move to a specific graphics element in
a segment. The element can then be drawn or replaced, or new elements can be
A metafile, created by using a special device context, is another method of
storing graphics. In this case, you associate the metafile device context
with the presentation space, draw the graphics you want in the metafile, and
then disassociate the device context and close it. Closing the metafile
returns a handle that you can use to save the metafile in a disk file.
Metafiles are a useful way of transferring graphics images from one computer
to another. An application can load a metafile from disk and play it into a
presentation space. The presentation space can be associated with any
device──display or printer. The graphics in the metafile are stored as
graphics commands, not as a bitmap, so an application can examine and
extract portions of the metafile if necessary.
System Services
The system services consist of all the MS OS/2 system functions that let you
create processes and threads, access disk files and devices, allocate
memory, and retrieve or set information about the system. In Presentation
Manager applications, the system-service functions are typically used to
carry out tasks for which no corresponding window-manager or Gpi function
exists. In full-screen programs, system-service functions are used almost
exclusively, even to interact with the user and access the devices of the
Multitasking, one of the principal features of MS OS/2, is the ability of
the system to manage the execution of more than one program at a time. This
ability helps to optimize use of the computer, since time normally spent by
a program waiting for user input is distributed to other programs that may
be printing a document or recalculating a spreadsheet.
MS OS/2 provides multitasking in the traditional sense of having more than
one program run at a time, and it also extends this concept to permit a
single program to run more than one copy of itself at the same time.
Every program that has been loaded into memory and is running is called a
process. Each copy of a process is called a thread. A process always has at
least one thread, called the main thread or thread 1, and can create more
threads. These additional threads are useful for carrying out tasks
unrelated to the processing of the main thread. For example, a process may
create a thread to write data to a disk file. This frees the main thread so
that it can continue to process user input.
Dynamic Linking
Dynamic linking lets a program gain access at run time to functions that are
not part of its executable code. These functions are contained in
dynamic-link libraries──special program modules that contain executable code
but cannot be run as programs. Instead, programs load the appropriate
dynamic-link libraries and execute the code in the libraries by linking to
them dynamically.
Dynamic-link libraries are very common in MS OS/2. In fact, most of the
system is contained in dynamic-link libraries. The chief advantage of
dynamic-link libraries is that they reduce the amount of memory needed by a
program. A program loads a library only if it needs to execute a function in
the library. Once the library is loaded, the system also shares it with any
other program that needs it. This means that only one copy of the library is
ever loaded at any one time.
Memory Management
Programs can, at any time, allocate additional memory for their own use. MS
OS/2 controls access to system memory through the use of selectors. A
selector is a unique number identifying a specific segment in memory. When a
program allocates a segment, it specifies the size of the segment (in bytes)
and receives a selector for that segment. This selector can then be used to
access the memory.
MS OS/2 protects memory from unauthorized use. The process that allocates
memory owns that memory, and no other process can access it. Attempting to
access memory owned by another process causes a protection violation and
usually terminates the process.
If two processes need to share memory, a process can create shared memory
and either pass the selector to the process that is to share the memory or
pass the name of the shared segment to that process. When two processes
share a segment, no protection violation occurs for them, but the memory
remains protected from all other processes. The sharing processes must
manage the shared memory.
The File System
MS OS/2 programs have complete access to the disk files and devices of the
computer. MS OS/2 manages its disk files and its devices in essentially the
same way. For example, a program can use the same functions to open and read
from a disk file as it uses to open and read from a serial port. Each open
file or device is identified by a unique file handle. The program uses the
handle in system functions to access the file or device.
MS OS/2 lets programs create, open, move, and delete files and directories
in the file system. When a process opens a file, it specifies whether the
file can be shared──that is, whether it can be accessed and possibly
modified by other processes. This sharing also applies to devices that a
process may open. Processes can open any device directly, including the
parallel port, the serial ports, and the disk drive. MS OS/2 provides a wide
range of input-and-output-control functions that a process can use to access
and set the modes of the devices it has opened.
Ordinarily, the system automatically opens three files when a program
starts: the standard-input, standard-output, and standard-error files. These
files correspond to the keyboard and the full-screen display. The program
can use these files to read from the keyboard and write to a full-screen
Full-Screen Keyboard, Mouse, and Video Operations
For full-screen programs, MS OS/2 provides access to the keyboard, the
mouse, and the video display. A program can open these devices in much the
same way as it opens a file. The MS OS/2 keyboard (Kbd) functions return
much more information about a keystroke than do the standard file-system
functions. Also, the keyboard functions let a program create logical
keyboards and manage these keyboards for the processes in the same screen
Similarly, a program can open the mouse and read events from the mouse-event
queue. An event is a mouse motion or button click. The program can also
manage the mouse pointer, moving it, hiding it, and showing it as
Any full-screen program can write individual characters and strings directly
to a character-based display. Unlike Presentation Manager applications,
which must write characters to windows, a full-screen program has complete
control of the system display while its session is in the foreground. The
program can write both characters and attributes to the display, read
characters from the display, and change modes for the display. A program
that uses the video functions in a full-screen session must manage the
display for that session.
The keyboard and mouse functions should not be used in Presentation Manager
applications, since the system provides its own mouse and keyboard
management. Many of the video functions can be used in a special type of
Presentation Manager application called an advanced-video-input-and-output
(AVIO) program. An AVIO program creates a window but uses the video
functions to write text to the window.
Interprocess Communication
MS OS/2 provides several methods of interprocess communication: semaphores,
pipes, signals, and queues.
A semaphore is a special variable that a process can use to signal the
beginning and ending of a given operation and to prevent more than one
thread within the process from accessing a specific resource at the same
time. A process can create and use three types of semaphores: system, RAM,
and fast-safe RAM. System semaphores are used between processes to control
access to a shared resource. RAM semaphores are used between threads in the
same process to control a resource or to signal the end of an operation.
Fast-safe RAM semaphores are used between threads or processes to control a
resource. The RAM semaphores are typically used when semaphore processing
must be fast.
A pipe is a special file that two processes can use to transfer data.
Although a pipe is like a file, it does not correspond to a device or a file
on disk. Instead, the pipe is maintained by the system. Two processes use a
pipe by opening the pipe and retrieving two handles: a read handle and a
write handle. One process uses the write handle to write data to the pipe.
The other process uses the read handle to read the data from the pipe.
A signal is a special interrupt that is sent to a process by the system or
by another process. The signal temporarily stops normal execution of the
process and causes the process to execute a signal handler. Signals are
typically used to stop a process and exit. For example, pressing the CTRL+C
key combination in a full-screen session generates a signal that usually
stops the current process. The signal handler defines what a process does
when it receives a signal. If a process does not want default signal
handling, it can disable a signal or replace the signal handler with one of
its own.
A queue is a special buffer that a process creates and shares with other
processes. A queue is a convenient way for one process to channel data from
two or more related processes into a single buffer. Note that this kind of
queue is different from the message queue used by Presentation Manager. The
queues are not related.
The MS OS/2 System Functions 1.2
The MS OS/2 system functions give applications access to all the features of
MS OS/2. The MS OS/2 features, such as windows, device-independent graphics,
and multitasking, let you create programs that make optimal use of the
computer's memory, display, and CPU while still meeting the needs of a wide
range of users through either the traditional character-based interface or
the graphical user interface of Presentation Manager.
The MS OS/2 system functions are organized into several distinct groups, as
described in the following list:
Function group  Usage
Dev             Use the Presentation Manager device (Dev) functions to open
                and control Presentation Manager device drivers. These
                functions let you create device contexts that you can
                associate with a presentation space and use with the Gpi
                functions to carry out device-independent graphics
                operations for displays, printers, and plotters.
Dos             Use the disk-operating-system (Dos) functions in full-screen
                and Presentation Manager sessions to read from and write to
                disk files, to allocate memory, to start threads and
                processes, to communicate with other processes, and to
                access the computer's devices directly. Most functions in
                this group can be used in Presentation Manager
Gpi             Use the graphics-programming-interface (Gpi) functions to
                create graphics output for a display, a printer, or other
                output devices. The Gpi functions give you a full range of
                graphics primitives, from lines to complex curves to
                bitmaps. You choose the attributes for the primitives (such
                as color, line width, and pattern) and then draw lines,
                text, and shapes. The retained-graphics capability lets you
                save the drawings in segments and build complex pictures by
                drawing a chain of segments.
Kbd             Use the keyboard (Kbd) functions in full-screen sessions to
                read keystrokes from the keyboard, to manage multiple
                logical keyboards, and to change code pages and translation
                tables. Since the Presentation Manager session provides its
                own keyboard support, Kbd functions are not needed in
                Presentation Manager applications.
Mou             Use the mouse (Mou) functions in full-screen sessions to
                read mouse input from the mouse-event queue, to set the
                mouse-pointer shape, and to manage the mouse for all
                processes in a session. As with the keyboard, the
                Presentation Manager session provides its own mouse support,
                so Mou functions are not needed in Presentation Manager
Vio             Use the video-input-and-output (Vio) functions in
                full-screen sessions to write characters and character
                attributes to the screen, to create pop-up windows for
                messages, to change the video modes, and to access physical
                video memory. Vio functions can also be used in
                advanced-video-input-and-output (AVIO) applications for the
                Presentation Manager session, to write characters and
                character attributes in a window. Most Presentation Manager
                applications, however, use the
                graphics-programming-interface (Gpi) functions to write text
                in a window.
Win             Use the window-manager (Win) functions to create and manage
                windows. Presentation Manager applications use windows as
                the main interface with the user. The Win functions let you
                create menus, scroll bars, and dialog windows that let the
                user choose commands and supply input. Your application
                receives all mouse and keyboard input as messages from the
                message queue. The Win functions let you retrieve messages
                from the queue and dispatch them to the window the input is
                intended for.