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Using Atom Tables (1.2)
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                             Using Atom Tables
Applications that use atom tables can create their own atom tables or use
the system atom table. Once an atom table is created or acquired, the
applications can add and delete atoms and retrieve information about
individual atoms in the table. When the application is finished using the
atom table, it should delete the table.
There are two main reasons for using an atom table. First, registering atoms
in the system atom table ensures that the resulting atom is unique
system-wide. (It is important that atoms be unique when you define window
messages or clipboard and DDE formats that are used between applications.)
The system atom table is also useful when several applications using a
common message or format must use the same atom to identify the message or
The second use for an atom table is to allow an application to manage
efficiently a large number of strings that are used only within the
application. The application can create a private atom table for this
Obtaining an Atom-Table Handle
You must obtain a handle of an atom table before performing any atom-manager
operations. To obtain a handle of the system atom table, call the
WinQuerySystemAtomTable function. To create your own atom table, call the
WinCreateAtomTable function. The atom-table handle returned by either of
these calls must be used for all other atom-manager functions.
Creating an Atom
To create an atom you call the WinAddAtom function, passing an atom-table
handle and a pointer to an atom string. The atom manager searches the
specified atom table for an occurrence of the atom string. If the string
already resides in the atom table, its use count is incremented and the
corresponding atom is returned to the caller. Repeated calls to add the same
atom string return the same atom. If the atom string does not exist in the
table when WinAddAtom is called, the string is added to the table, its use
count is set to one, and a new atom is returned.
Atom strings can be specified by using a far pointer that can be interpreted
in one of the following four ways:
Format                      Description
"!",atom                    The pointer is to a string in which the atom is
                            passed indirectly, as a value.
#ddddd                      The pointer is to an integer atom specified as a
                            decimal string.
long word: FFFF(high word)  The atom is passed directly in the low word of
                            the pszAtomName parameter of the WinAddAtom
                            function. This format is used extensively by MS
                            OS/2 to add predefined window classes and window
                            messages to the system atom table. By adding the
                            atoms as integers, the value of the atoms for
                            these messages can be determined before
                            compiling and included as constants in the MS
                            OS/2 header files.
string atom name            The pointer is to a string atom name. This is
                            the pointer format most often used by
                            applications to add an atom string to an atom
                            table and receive an atom in return.
The "!",atom and long word: FFFF(high word) formats are useful when
incrementing the use count of an existing atom for which the original atom
string is not known. For example, the system clipboard manager uses the long
word: FFFF(high word) format to increment the use count of each
clipboard-format atom when that format is placed on the clipboard. By using
this format, the atom is not destroyed even if the original user of the atom
deletes the atom, because the use count still shows that the clipboard is
using the atom.
Creating a Unique Window-Message Atom
System-defined window messages are identified by word-length constants in
the range zero through 0x1000 (WM_USER). An application that defines its own
window messages can use WM_USER and higher values as long as it sends those
messages only to itself. If an application sends its own window messages to
other applications, either directly or by calling the WinBroadcastMsg
function, it must add its message identifiers to the system atom table to
obtain a message identifier that is unique for the entire system.
Typically, an application registers its own window-message types with the
system atom table only if those types are likely to be recognized by other
applications. For example, two applications might communicate with each
other with an agreed-upon message that is not defined by the system. These
applications must use the same string identifier for the shared message
type──for example, OUR_LINK_MESSAGE. Each time the applications run, they
add this string to the system atom table and receive an atom in return.
Because both applications register the same string in the system atom table,
they both receive the same atom. This atom can then be used to identify the
message without conflicting with other system-wide message identifiers.
A consequence of using atoms to identify a window message is that the
message cannot be decoded as a C-language case statement, as is typically
done, because the value of the atom cannot be known until run time. For
example, typical window-procedure code is similar to the following code
/* This procedure does not work for interapplication messages. */
switch (usMessage) {
    case WM_PAINT:
        hps = WinBeginPaint(hwnd, NULL, &rect);
        WinFillRect(hps, &rect, CLR_WHITE);
        return 0L;
return (WinDefWindowProc(hwnd, usMessage, mp1, mp2));
Each case statement for a message uses a constant value to identify the
message. This is not possible for messages registered with the atom manager
at run time, since these messages cannot be determined at compile time and
cannot be used in case statements. Instead, you must add a default case that
checks the value of the message against the value of the atoms you have
registered, as shown in the following code fragment:
switch (usMessage) {
    case WM_PAINT:
        hps = WinBeginPaint(hwnd, NULL, &rect);
        WinFillRect(hps, &rect, CLR_WHITE);
        return 0L;
        if (usMessage == usMessageAtom)
            return DoOurMessage(...);
return (WinDefWindowProc(hwnd, usMessage, mp1, mp2));
Creating DDE Formats and a Unique Clipboard Format
The system defines several standard clipboard and DDE formats, identified by
word-length constants. Applications that define their own clipboard or DDE
formats must register those formats in the system atom table to avoid
conflicting with the predefined formats and any formats used by other
An application must register any nonstandard clipboard format, even if the
format is used only for cutting and pasting within the application. This is
necessary because numbering conflicts can occur among nonstandard clipboard
formats, since all formats on the clipboard are always available to all
applications in the system. All nonstandard DDE formats must be registered
in the system atom table, since they are always used by more than one
All applications that share a clipboard or DDE format must use the same
string to identify the format. Each application adds the common atom string
to the system atom table and uses the resulting atom when using the
clipboard or DDE functions. All applications receive the same atom from the
system atom table; there is no conflict with other formats that are
registered with the system atom table.
Deleting an Atom
When an application is finished using an atom, it should call the
WinDeleteAtom function. This function reduces the atom's use count by one.
If the use count is greater than zero, the atom remains in the atom table,
since other processes are still accessing the atom. WinDeleteAtom removes an
atom from the atom table only if the use count is zero.