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Using Clipping (1.2)
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                               Using Clipping
You can use clipping functions to perform the following tasks:
♦  Exclude a rectangular area from a clip region.
♦  Intersect a rectangular area with a clip region.
♦  Determine the size of the smallest rectangle that will completely
   surround the intersection of the current clip areas.
♦  Determine the size of the current clip region, graphics field, or viewing
♦  Set a clip path, clip region, graphics field, or viewing limit.
Excluding a Rectangular Area from a Clip Region
Some applications let you prepare output in multiple stages (for example, a
word-processor application may allow you to prepare your text first and then
add bitmaps that enhance and support the text). These applications can use
the GpiExcludeClipRectangle function to exclude an area from a clip region,
preventing the user from destroying output that already exists. To exclude
an area from a clip region, you must perform the following steps:
1  Determine the dimensions (in device coordinates) of the smallest
   rectangle that completely surrounds the area containing original output
   (this is the area to exclude from the clip region).
2  Call the GpiExcludeClipRectangle function and pass it the dimensions of
   the area that contains the original output.
The following code fragment illustrates these steps:
HPS hps;       /* presentation-space handle */
RECTL rcl;     /* rectangle structure       */
    .    /* Set rectangle coordinates here. */
GpiExcludeClipRectangle(hps, &rcl);
Adding a Rectangular Area to a Clip Region
Some applications may need to increase the size of a clip region. For
example, a user might request that a desktop-publishing application extend a
column of text on a page. To do this, the application can call the
GpiIntersectClipRectangle function to combine a rectangular area with a clip
To intersect the rectangle with a clip region, you perform the following
1  Determine the dimensions (in device coordinates) of the rectangular area
   to intersect with the clip region.
2  Call the GpiCreateRegion function and pass it the dimensions of the
   rectangle that you obtained in Step 1.
3  Call GpiCreateRegion again and create a third region that will become the
   final destination region.
4  Call the GpiCombineRegion function and combine the original region with
   the new one to form a final region.
5  Call the GpiSetClipRegion function and pass it the handle returned by
The following code fragment illustrates these steps:
HPS hps;       /* presentation-space handle */
RECTL rcl;     /* rectangle structure       */
/* Create the first clipping region. */
hrgn = GpiCreateRegion(hps, 1L, &rcl); /* creates rgn1 */
GpiSetClipRegion(hps, hrgn, NULL);
/* Compute coordinates of second region here. */
 * Create second and third regions and generate a
 * new clipping region, identified by hrgn3.
hrgn2 = GpiCreateRegion(hps, 1L, &rcl); /* creates rgn2 */
hrgn3 = GpiCreateRegion(hps, 1L, &rcl); /* creates rgn3 */
GpiCombineRegion(hps, hrgn3, hrgn, hrgn2, CRGN_OR);
GpiSetClipRegion(hps, hrgn3, NULL);
Determining the Size of a Clipping Area
If a computer-aided-design (CAD) application is able to set a clip path in
world space, a viewing limit in model space, and a graphics field in page
space, it may be necessary for you to determine the size of the clipping
area formed by the intersection of the three. The GpiQueryClipBox function
returns the dimensions (in world coordinates) of the smallest rectangle that
completely surrounds the intersection of the defined clipping areas.
The following code fragment shows how to use GpiQueryClipBox to fill a
rectangle structure with the desired coordinates:
HPS hps;         /* presentation-space handle */
RECTL rcl;       /* rectangle structure       */
GpiQueryClipBox(hps, &rcl);
Setting a Clip Region
Clip regions are useful when an application must clip to an area shaped like
a rectangle or like a number of intersecting rectangles. To create a clip
region, you must perform the following tasks:
1  Determine the shape and dimensions of the clip region.
2  Load the coordinates for the rectangle(s) that define the clip region
   into an array of rectangle structures.
3  Create the clip region by calling the GpiCreateRegion function.
4  Set the region to a clip region with GpiSetClipRegion.
The following code fragment shows how to create a clip region:
HPS hps;        /* presentation-space handle                     */
HRGN hrgn;      /* region handle                                 */
RECTL arcl[4];  /* array of structures for rectangle coordinates */
 * Load the array of RECTL structures with the appropriate rectangle
 * coordinates.
hrgn = GpiCreateRegion(hps, 4L, arcl);
GpiSetClipRegion(hps, hrgn (PHRGN) NULL);
Setting a Clip Path
Drawing and computer-aided-design (CAD) applications may require clipping to
curved edges. If so, they should use a clip path to define a curved clipping
area in world coordinates. But clip paths, especially ones that clip to
curved edges, require considerable memory and processing time. So when
clipping to a straight edge, your application should use a clip region,
graphics page, or viewing limit, all of which require less memory and
processing time than a clip path.
You should perform the following steps when you create a clip path:
1  Determine the shape and size (in world coordinates) of the clip path.
2  Call the GpiBeginPath function to begin the path definition.
3  Create the path.
4  Close the path by using the GpiEndPath function.
5  Create a clip path from the path definition by using the GpiSetClipPath
The following code fragment shows how to create an elliptic clip path:
HPS hps;       /* presentation-space handle */
POINTL ptl1;   /* point structure           */
 * Determine the location of the clip path and load ptl1 with the
 * appropriate coordinates.
GpiBeginPath(hps, 1L);     /* begins path           */
GpiMove(hps, &ptl1);       /* sets current position */
GpiFullArc(hps,            /* defines ellipse       */
    DRO_OUTLINE, 6553600);
GpiEndPath(hps);           /* end the path          */
GpiSetClipPath(hps, 1L, SCP_ALTERNATE | SCP_AND);