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Using Dynamic Data Exchange (1.2)
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                        Using Dynamic Data Exchange
A DDE transaction between two applications actually takes place between two
windows, one for each of the participating applications. Applications open a
window for each conversation they engage in. (Note that such windows are
typically not visible.) A window is identified by its handle. The window
belonging to the server application is the server window; the window
belonging to the client application is the client window.
After a conversation has been initiated by the client, the client interacts
with the server by issuing transactions. When issuing a transaction, the
client requests that the server perform a particular action. There are six
types of transactions: request, advise, unadvise, poke, execute, and
terminate. These transactions are permitted only within an exchange begun by
using the WM_DDE_INITIATE message. DDE transactions are one-way: The client
application always issues the transactions. If the server issues a
transaction to the client, the server must initiate a new exchange for that
purpose. The server becomes the client in this new exchange. (The only
exception to the one-way rule is the terminate transaction, which can be
issued by either the client or the server.)
Detailed DDE Example
This section presents a more detailed view of the workings of the DDE
protocol. It discusses the example of the Collector and spreadsheet
interaction and illustrates forwarding stock quotes from the Collector
application to the spreadsheet. For the sake of simplicity, this example
will be limited to the exchange of quotes for a single stock, BTRX.
The Collector DDE server application is started first. Typically,
applications designed to operate as dedicated DDE servers have some user
interface for initialization and then run as icons at the bottom of the
Presentation Manager screen. As part of the initialization process, the
Collector DDE server application goes through whatever steps are necessary
(entering passwords, testing, etc.) to ensure that data can be provided to
The spreadsheet is started next, and the stock-portfolio document is loaded.
At this time, the spreadsheet calls the WinDdeInitiate function, which sends
a WM_DDE_INITIATE message to all current top-level frame windows.
The WM_DDE_INITIATE message is a request to initiate an exchange with an
application on a specified topic──in this case, NYSE. An application can
accept this message by responding with a positive WM_DDE_INITIATEACK
message, or can decline it by passing the message on to the
WinDefWindowProc function. If no application accepts the request, the
spreadsheet assigns an error value to the external reference and its DDE
activity concludes.
If the Collector application acknowledges the request, the spreadsheet can
use the newly established exchange to request the Collector application to
provide continuous updates on a specified data item. To make this request,
the spreadsheet posts a WM_DDE_ADVISE message to the Collector application
(actually, to a window within the Collector application that is acting as
the message recipient for DDE messages), indicating that updates should be
sent every time there is a new value available for the data item named
"BTRX," and that the updates should be in a particular format──for example,
Upon receiving this message, the Collector application records the request
in its database and posts a WM_DDE_ACK message to the spreadsheet. From then
on, the Collector application posts a WM_DDE_DATA message to the spreadsheet
application (actually, to the window in the spreadsheet that initiated the
exchange) whenever it receives a new BTRX stock quote from the server. Each
of these messages carries a selector for a shared memory object. The object
itself contains the data, rendered in the requested format. Whenever the
spreadsheet receives such a message, it retrieves the data from the
referenced memory object and uses the data to update the value of the cell
containing the external reference.
The periodic updates continue until the spreadsheet document is closed. At
that point the spreadsheet application posts a WM_DDE_UNADVISE message to
the Collector application, indicating that further updating is not
necessary. Upon receipt of this message, the Collector application removes
the corresponding data request from its database and posts a positive
WM_DDE_ACK message back to the spreadsheet.
Finally, unless the spreadsheet initiates other data exchanges under this
same topic, it posts a WM_DDE_TERMINATE message to the Collector
application, indicating the end of the DDE transaction. The Collector
application responds with a WM_DDE_TERMINATE message.
DDE Message Contents
DDE uses the three-level hierarchy──application, topic, and item──to
uniquely identify a unit of data. An item is a data object that can be
passed in a DDE transaction. For example, an item might be a single integer,
a string, several paragraphs of text, or a bitmap. A topic is a logical data
context. For applications that operate on file-based documents, topics are
usually filenames; for other applications they are other
application-specific strings. Using the Collector and spreadsheet model
described earlier, the application name is collector, the topic name is
NYSE, and the item name is BTRX.
There are two data structures used for DDE transactions: the DDEINIT
structure and the DDESTRUCT structure. The DDEINIT structure is used for the
WM_DDE_INITIATE and WM_DDE_INITIATEACK messages. DDEINIT contains pointers
to the application-name and topic-name strings.
An application typically does not need to fill in a DDEINIT structure, since
the operating system fills it in automatically when the application calls
the WinDdeInitiate or WinDdeRespond function. It is important, however, to
understand the organization of the DDEINIT structure when receiving a
WM_DDE_INITIATE or WM_DDE_INITIATEACK message, so that you can extract the
application name and the topic name.
The DDESTRUCT structure is passed with all DDE transaction messages. It
contains a byte count of the data, the format of the data, the item name, a
status word, and the data being transferred.
The data in a DDE message is contained in a shared memory segment. The
segment must be large enough to hold a DDESTRUCT data structure and the
actual data to be transferred. The sender allocates the segment, then passes
the selector for the memory as part of the message.
The sender must allocate the segment as SEG_GIVEABLE. After filling the
segment, the sender calls the WinDdePostMsg function to give the segment to
the receiver and free the segment in the sender's process. The sender should
not call DosGiveSeg to give the segment or DosFreeSeg to free the segment.
Also, the sender should not try to access the segment once it has been sent
to the recipient in a DDE message.
The following code fragment shows a function that creates a shared segment
for a DDE transaction. The function parameters include the destination
window for the DDE message, the item name for the transaction, the status
word, the format of the data, the actual data to be transferred (if any),
and the length of the data. The segment allocated by this function must be
big enough to hold the DDESTRUCT structure, the item name, and the actual
data to be transferred. The function returns a pointer (PDDESTRUCT) to a
shared segment that is ready to post as part of a DDE message.
PDDESTRUCT MakeDDEObject(pszItemName, fsStatus, usFormat,
    pabData, usDataLen)
PSZ    pszItemName;
USHORT fsStatus;
USHORT usFormat;
PVOID  pabData;
USHORT usDataLen;
    PDDESTRUCT pddes;            /* pointer to DDESTRUCT     */
    USHORT     usItemLen;        /* length of item name      */
    SEL        selBuf;           /* total length of object   */
    if (pszItemName != (PSZ) NULL)
        usItemLen = strlen(pszItemName) + 1;
        usItemLen = 0;
    if (! DosAllocSeg (sizeof (DDESTRUCT) + usItemLen + usDataLen,
         &selBuf, SEG_GIVEABLE))
        /* Initialize DDESTRUCT. */
        pddes = SELTOPDDES (selBuf);
        pddes->cbData = usDataLen;
        pddes->fsStatus = fsStatus;
        pddes->usFormat = usFormat;
        pddes->offszItemName = sizeof(DDESTRUCT);
        if ((usDataLen) && (pabData != NULL))
            pddes->offabData = sizeof(DDESTRUCT) + usItemLen;
            pddes->offabData = sizeof(DDESTRUCT);
         * Copy item name immediately following DDESTRUCT. (The _fstrcpy
         * function is from the Microsoft C 6.0 run-time library.)
        if (pszItemName != NULL)
            _fstrcpy(DDES_PSZITEMNAME(pddes), pszItemName);
         * Copy data immediately following the item name. (The _fmemcpy
         * function is from the Microsoft C 6.0 run-time library.)
        if (pabData != NULL)
            _fmemcpy(DDES_PABDATA(pddes), pabData);
        return (pddes);
    return ((PDDESTRUCT) NULL);
This function is used in many examples in the following sections to
demonstrate the creation of DDE shared segments. You may want to define a
similar function in your own programs as well.
Unique Data Formats
Whenever you exchange data by using the DDE protocols you must specify the
format of the data in the usFormat field of the DDESTRUCT structure. The
system-defined standard format is DDEFMT_TEXT, which indicates text data.
Applications can define their own data formats. Each nonstandard DDE format
must have a unique identification number. The application should register
the name of the format in the system atom table, receiving an identification
number for that format name. Other applications that have the name of the
format can also query the system atom table for the format's identification
number. This method ensures that all applications use the same atom to
identify a format.
The following code fragment shows how an application can obtain a unique
identification number for a DDE format. This technique can be used by the
application that creates the format and by an application that is able to
use the format.
hatomtbl = WinQuerySystemAtomTable();
formatID = WinAddAtom(hatomtbl, "SuperCAD_Format");
Sample DDE Transactions
This section discusses beginning and ending a DDE transaction and the five
basic types of interchange supported by DDE. Each of the following
subsections provides a detailed description of the message protocols that
are associated with the transactions it discusses.
Initiating an Exchange Between Two Applications
To initiate a DDE transaction, the client calls the WinDdeInitiate function,
specifying the server application-name and topic-name strings. This function
sends a WM_DDE_INITIATE message to all frame windows whose parent is
HWND_DESKTOP. Because the message is sent rather than posted,
WinDdeInitiate requires all of the message's recipients to respond to the
message before control is returned. Either the application name or the topic
name can be a null string, in which case the server ignores that name. For
example, a client could send a valid application name with a null topic name
to request an exchange on all available topics for that application.
The server applications that respond to the WM_DDE_INITIATE message will
call the WinDdeRespond function, as shown in the following pseudocode:
If ((specific app requested and server is instance of app) or
    (specific app not requested){
     If (specific topic requested)
          If (server can support topic)
               acknowledge the requested topic
          acknowledge each supported topic
To acknowledge a specific topic, the server responds with the following code
WinDdeRespond(hwndClient, hwndServer, pszAppName, pszTopicName);
To acknowledge more than one topic, the server makes one such response for
each topic. This initiates an exchange on each topic. The client should post
a WM_DDE_TERMINATE message for all unneeded transactions.
The System Topic
Applications are encouraged to support the "System" topic at all times. This
topic provides a context for information that may be of general interest to
any partners in a DDE transaction. DDE applications should request an
exchange on the System topic with a NULL application name when they start
up, to find out what kinds of information other DDE-capable programs can
The System topic should support the following terms, as well as any other
items the application may use:
Item           Description
SysItems       A list of the items supported under the System topic by this
Topics         A list of the topics supported by the application at the
               current time (this may vary from moment to moment).
ReturnMessage  Supporting detail for the most recently issued WM_DDE_ACK
               message. (This is useful when more than eight bits of
               application-specific return code are required.)
Status         An indication of the current status of the application.
Formats        A list of DDE format numbers that the application can
Individual elements of lists should be delimited by tabs (the DDEFMT_TEXT
Positive WM_DDE_ACK Response
A client or server often must positively acknowledge a DDE message that it
receives by posting a WM_DDE_ACK message with the DDE_FRESPONSE flag set in
the status word of the DDESTRUCT structure. Sending a positive WM_DDE_ACK
message means that the sender will respond to the previous message. The
following code fragment is an example of a positive acknowledgment message:
pddeStruct = MakeDDESegment(hwndDest,   /* handle of destination  */
    "BTRX",                             /* item name              */
    DDE_FACK | DDE_FRESPONSE,           /* status flags           */
    DDEFMT_TEXT,                        /* data format            */
    NULL,                               /* no data for request    */
    0);                                 /* data length            */
WinDdePostMsg(hwndDest,                 /* handle of destination  */
    hwndSource,                         /* handle of source       */
    WM_DDE_ACK,                         /* message                */
    pddeStruct,                         /* shared-segment pointer */
    1);                                 /* retry                  */
Negative WM_DDE_ACK Response
When an application receives a DDE message that it cannot respond to (such
as a request for data in a format that it does not support), the application
must post a WM_DDE_ACK message with the DDE_NOTPROCESSED flag set in the
status word of the DDESTRUCT structure. The following code fragment is an
example of a negative acknowledgment message:
pddeStruct = MakeDDESegment(hwndDest,   /* handle of destination  */
    "BTRX",                             /* item name              */
    DDE_NOTPROCESSED,                   /* status flags           */
    DDEFMT_TEXT,                        /* data format            */
    NULL,                               /* no data for request    */
    0);                                 /* data length            */
WinDdePostMsg(hwndDest,                 /* handle of destination  */
    hwndSource,                         /* handle of source       */
    WM_DDE_ACK,                         /* message                */
    pddeStruct,                         /* shared-segment pointer */
    1);                                 /* retry                  */
If an application is busy when it receives a DDE message, it can post a
WM_DDE_ACK message with the DDE_FBUSY flag set.
One-Time Data Transfer Between Two Applications
A client application can use the DDE protocol to obtain a data item from a
server WM_DDE_REQUEST, or to submit a data item to a server WM_DDE_POKE. In
either case, the client must have already initiated an exchange with the
server, as described earlier.
The client posts a WM_DDE_REQUEST message to the server, specifying an item
and format by allocating a shared segment and filling in a DDESTRUCT
structure and passing the structure to the WinDdePostMsg function. For
example, if a DDE exchange has been started on the NYSE topic, the client
could request data for the BTRX item by using the following code fragment:
pddeStruct = MakeDDESegment(hwndServer, /* handle of server       */
    "BTRX",                             /* item name              */
    0,                                  /* status flags           */
    DDEFMT_TEXT,                        /* data format            */
    NULL,                               /* no data for request    */
    0);                                 /* data length            */
WinDdePostMsg(hwndServer,               /* handle of server       */
    hwndClient,                         /* handle of client       */
    WM_DDE_REQUEST,                     /* message                */
    pddeStruct,                         /* shared-segment pointer */
    1);                                 /* retry                  */
If the server is unable to satisfy the request, it sends the client a
negative WM_DDE_ACK message. If the server can satisfy the request, it
renders the item in the requested format and includes it with a DDESTRUCT
structure in a shared memory object and posts a WM_DDE_DATA message to the
client, as shown in the following code fragment:
pddeStruct = MakeDDESegment(hwndClient, /* handle of client       */
    "BTRX",                             /* item name              */
    0,                                  /* status flags           */
    DDEFMT_TEXT,                        /* data format            */
    pabData,                            /* pointer to data        */
    usDataLen);                         /* data length            */
WinDdePostMsg(hwndClient,               /* handle of client       */
    hwndServer,                         /* handle of server       */
    WM_DDE_DATA,                        /* message                */
    pddeStruct,                         /* shared-segment pointer */
    1);                                 /* retry                  */
Upon receiving a WM_DDE_DATA message, the client processes the data item.
The DDESTRUCT structure at the beginning of the shareable segment contains a
status word indicating whether the sender has requested an acknowledgment
message. If the DDE_FACKREQ bit of the status word is set, the client should
send the server a positive WM_DDE_ACK message.
Upon receiving a negative WM_DDE_ACK message, the client can ask for the
same item again, specifying a different DDE format. Typically, a client will
first ask for the most complex format it can support, then step down, if
necessary, through progressively simpler formats until it finds one the
server can provide.
Permanent Data Link Between Two Applications
A client application can use DDE to establish a link to an item in a server
application. When such a link is established, the server sends periodic
updates about the linked item to the client (typically, whenever the data
that is associated with the item in the server application has changed). A
permanent "data stream" is established between the two applications and
remains in place until it is explicitly disconnected.
The client sends the server a WM_DDE_ADVISE message to set up the data link.
(Of course, the client must have first initiated an exchange by using the
WM_DDE_INITIATE message, as described previously.) The advise message
contains a shared-memory pointer containing a DDESTRUCT structure with the
item name, format information, and status information, as shown in the
following code fragment:
pddeStruct = MakeDDESegment(hwndServer, /* handle of server       */
    "BTRX",                             /* item name              */
    DDE_FACKREQ,                        /* status flags           */
    DDEFMT_TEXT,                        /* data format            */
    NULL,                               /* no data for advise     */
    0);                                 /* data length            */
WinDdePostMsg(hwndServer,               /* handle of server       */
    hwndClient,                         /* handle of client       */
    WM_DDE_ADVISE,                      /* message                */
    pddeStruct,                         /* shared-segment pointer */
    1);                                 /* retry                  */
If the server has access to the requested item and can render it in the
desired format, the server records the new link and then sends the client a
positive WM_DDE_ACK message. Until the client issues a WM_DDE_UNADVISE
message, the server sends data messages to the client every time the source
data changes that is associated with the item in the server application.
If the server is unable to satisfy the request, it sends the client a
negative WM_DDE_ACK message.
When a link is established with the DDE_FNODATA status bit cleared, the
client is sent the data each time the data changes. In such cases, the
server renders the new version of the item in the previously specified
format and posts a WM_DDE_DATA message to the client.
When the client receives a WM_DDE_DATA message, it extracts data from the
shared memory segment by using the DDESTRUCT structure at the beginning of
the segment. If the DDE_FACKREQ status bit in the status word of the
DDESTRUCT structure is set, the client must post a positive WM_DDE_ACK
message to the server.
When a link is established with the DDE_FNODATA status flag set, a
notification, not the data itself, is posted to the client each time the
data changes. In this case, the server does not render the new version of
the item when the source data changes, but simply posts a WM_DDE_DATA
message with zero bytes of data and the DDE_FNODATA status flag set, as
shown in the following code fragment:
pddeStruct = MakeDDESegment(hwndClient, /* handle of client       */
    "BTRX",                             /* item name              */
    DDE_FNODATA,                        /* status flags           */
    DDEFMT_TEXT,                        /* data format            */
    NULL,                               /* no data                */
    0);                                 /* data length            */
WinDdePostMsg(hwndClient,               /* handle of client       */
    hwndServer,                         /* handle of server       */
    WM_DDE_DATA,                        /* message                */
    pddeStruct,                         /* shared-segment pointer */
    1);                                 /* retry                  */
The client can request the latest version of the data by performing a
regular one-time WM_DDE_REQUEST transaction, or it can simply ignore the
data-change notice from the server. In either case, if the DDE_FACKREQ
status bit is set, the client should send a positive WM_DDE_ACK message to
the server.
To terminate a specific item link, the client posts a WM_DDE_UNADVISE
message to the server, as shown in the following code fragment:
pddeStruct = MakeDDESegment(hwndServer, /* handle of server       */
    "BTRX",                             /* item name              */
    DDE_FACKREQ,                        /* status flags           */
    DDEFMT_TEXT,                        /* data format            */
    NULL,                               /* no data for unadvise   */
    0);                                 /* data length            */
WinDdePostMsg(hwndServer,               /* handle of server       */
    hwndClient,                         /* handle of client       */
    WM_DDE_UNADVISE,                    /* message                */
    pddeStruct,                         /* shared-segment pointer */
    1);                                 /* retry                  */
The server checks that the client currently has a link to the specified item
in this exchange. If the link exists, the server sends a positive
WM_DDE_ACK message to the client and no longer sends updates on the item in
this exchange. If the server has no such link, it sends a negative
WM_DDE_ACK message.
To terminate all links for a particular exchange, the client application
posts a WM_DDE_UNADVISE message with a null item name to the server. The
server checks that the exchange has at least one link currently established.
If so, the server posts a positive WM_DDE_ACK message to the client, and no
longer sends any updates in the exchange. If the server has no links in the
exchange, it posts a negative WM_DDE_ACK message.
Executing Commands in a Remote Application
A Presentation Manager application can use the DDE protocol to cause a
command or series of commands to be executed in another application. Such
remote executions are performed by means of the WM_DDE_EXECUTE transaction.
To execute a remote command, the client application posts to the server a
WM_DDE_EXECUTE message containing a selector for a shared-memory object that
contains a DDESTRUCT structure and a command string, as shown in the
following code fragment:
pddeStruct = MakeDDESegment(hwndServer,   /* handle of server     */
    "BTRX",                          /* item name                 */
    DDE_FACKREQ,                     /* status flags              */
    DDEFMT_TEXT,                     /* data format               */
    pabData,                         /* pointer to command string */
    usDataLen);                      /* data length               */
WinDdePostMsg(hwndServer,            /* handle of server          */
    hwndClient,                      /* handle of client          */
    WM_DDE_EXECUTE,                  /* message                   */
    pddeStruct,                      /* shared-segment pointer    */
    1);                              /* retry                     */
The server attempts to execute the specified string according to some
agreed-upon protocol. If successful, the server posts a positive WM_DDE_ACK
message to the client; if unsuccessful, a negative WM_DDE_ACK message is
Terminating an Exchange Between Two Applications
At any time, either the client or the server may terminate an exchange by
using the following procedure to issue a WM_DDE_TERMINATE message.
Similarly, both the client application and server application should be able
to receive a WM_DDE_TERMINATE message at any time.
An application must end its exchanges before terminating. The application
posts a WM_DDE_TERMINATE message with a NULL shared-segment pointer, as
shown in the following code fragment. A WM_DDE_TERMINATE message stops all
transactions for a given exchange.
WinDdePostMsg(hwndDest,      /* handle of destination     */
    hwndSource,              /* handle of source          */
    WM_DDE_TERMINATE,        /* message                   */
    NULL,                    /* no shared-segment pointer */
    1);                      /* retry                     */
The WM_DDE_TERMINATE message means that the sender will send no further
messages in that exchange and that the recipient may destroy its DDE window.
The recipient must always send a WM_DDE_TERMINATE message promptly in
response; it is not permissible to send a negative, busy, or positive
WM_DDE_ACK message instead.
If the sender of the original termination request receives any other message
before the WM_DDE_TERMINATE message arrives from the recipient of the
request, no response should be sent to this other message; the sender of the
other message may already have destroyed the window to which the response
would be sent.
Synchronization Rules
A window processing DDE requests from another window must process them
strictly in the order in which the requests were received.
A window does not need to apply this first-in first-out rule between
requests from different windows──that is, it may provide asynchronous
support for multiple processes. For example, a window might have the
following requests in its queue:
♦  Message from window x (request 1)
♦  Message from window y (request 2)
♦  Message from window x (request 3)
The window must process request 1 before 3, but it does not need to process
2 before 3. If y has a lower priority than x, the window follows the order
1, 3, 2.
If a server is unable to process an incoming request because it is waiting
for an external process, it must post a busy WM_DDE_ACK message to the
client, to prevent deadlock. A busy WM_DDE_ACK message can also be sent if
the server is unable to process an incoming request quickly.