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Using Initialization Files (1.2)
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                         Using Initialization Files
The following sections describe some specific ways to use MS OS/2 functions
in your applications to change or retrieve system information.
The MS OS/2 Initialization File
You can read and write integers, strings, and binary data from the os2.ini
file. You can also create new sections and keys and delete existing sections
and keys. Since writing to the file can affect other applications, you
should use care when changing and deleting values.
You can determine the size of a specific value by using the
WinQueryProfileSize function. The function returns the size, in bytes, of
the value corresponding to the given key name. This information is useful
for allocating a buffer large enough to read in a key value. Once you know
the size of the key value, you can read it by using the WinQueryProfileData
function. The following code fragment reads the Window color value from the
PM_Color section of the os2.ini file:
WinQueryProfileSize(hab, "PM_Color", "Window", &cb);
npb = WinAllocMem(hOurHeap, cb);
WinQueryProfileData (hab, "PM_Color", "Window", npb, &cb);
You can retrieve an integer from the initialization file by using the
WinQueryProfileInt function, as shown in the following code fragment. The
function assumes that the key-value data is a null-terminated character
string representing an integer value in the range -32,768 through 32,767
(for example, strings like "12367" and "-5438").
sValue = WinQueryProfileInt(hab, "MySection", "MyKey", 0);
You can retrieve a null-terminated string from the initialization file by
using the WinQueryProfileString function, as shown in the following code
CHAR ach[80];
WinQueryProfileString(hab, "MySection", "MyKey", NULL, ach, 80);
You can also retrieve a list of the section names in the os2.ini file by
using the WinQueryProfileString function, specifying NULL for the section
and key names. The function copies all the section names to the specified
buffer. Each section name is null-terminated, and there is an extra null
character at the end of the list. The following code fragment retrieves a
list of section names:
CHAR achSectionNames[1024];
WinQueryProfileString(hab, NULL, NULL, NULL, achSectionNames, 1024);
Once you have a list of section names, you can use the names to generate a
list of keys for a section name. To list the key names, you choose the
section name and set the key name to NULL, as shown in the following code
CHAR achKeyNames[1024];
WinQueryProfileString(hab, "MySection", NULL, NULL, achKeyNames, 1024);
You can write values to an existing key name by using the
WinWriteProfileString or WinWriteProfileData function. The following code
fragment stores an integer as a null-terminated string:
WinWriteProfileString(hab, "MySection", "MyKey", "123");
Note:  Some users may change the file attribute of the os2.ini file to
       read-only. If so, you will need to change the attribute before
       writing to the file.
You can create a new key or a new section and key by using the
WinWriteProfileString or WinWriteProfileData function. If the key you
specify is not in the given section, or if the section does not exist, these
functions create new entries. For example, the following code fragment
creates a new key entry in MySection:
WinWriteProfileString(hab, "MySection", "MyNewKey", "123");
You can also delete an existing key by using the WinWriteProfileString or
WinWriteProfileData function. In this case, you specify NULL for the key
value, as shown in the following code fragment. The function deletes the
existing key value, effectively deleting the entry.
WinWriteProfileString(hab, "MySection", "MyKey", NULL);
Note that this is different from setting the key value to a single zero
byte, as would happen if an application called WinWriteProfileString with a
pointer to an empty string.
You can delete all keys in a particular os2.ini section by invoking the
WinWriteProfileString or WinWriteProfileData function with the key name set
to NULL, as shown in the following code fragment:
WinWriteProfileString(hab, "MySection", NULL, NULL);
The Shell
Most applications use the FCF_TASKLIST style when creating their main
windows. This style automatically adds the application to the switch list.
For those applications that do not use the FCF_TASKLIST style, you can use
the shell functions to add the application to the list.
You can add a program to the switch list by using the WinAddSwitchEntry
function. Before calling the function, you must fill the fields of a
SWCNTRL structure. The following code fragment adds the program named My
Application to the switch list:
SWCNTRL swctl;
PID     pid;
TID     tid;
/* Obtain the process and thread identifiers. */
WinQueryWindowProcess(hwnd, &pid, &tid);
/* Fill in the switch-control data structure. */
swctl.hwnd = hwnd;
swctl.hwndIcon = (HWND) WinSendMsg(hwnd, WM_QUERYICON, NULL, NULL);
swctl.hprog = (HPROGRAM) NULL;
swctl.idProcess = pid;
swctl.idSession = NULL;
swctl.uchVisibility = SWL_VISIBLE;
swctl.fbJump = SWL_JUMPABLE;
strcpy(swctl.szSwtitle, "My Application");
hsw = WinAddSwitchEntry(&swctl);
You can use the switch-list handle returned by WinAddSwitchEntry to change
the switch-list entry. For example, you can add the name of the file your
application currently has open by using the WinChangeSwitchEntry function
and specifying the switch-list handle, as shown in the following code
fragment. You must fill a SWCNTRL structure or use the structure you used to
create the switch-list entry.
CHAR szCurrentFile[CCHMAXPATH]; /* buffer for current filename */
SWCNTRL swctl;                  /* switch-control structure    */
HSWITCH hsw;                    /* switch-list handle          */
strcpy(swctl.szSwtitle, "My Application: ");
strcat(swctl.szSwtitle, szCurrentFile);
WinChangeSwitchEntry(hsw, &swctl);
You can remove the switch-list entry for your application by using the
WinRemoveSwitchEntry function.
System Colors
You can use a system color for elements of your own client window. For
example, many applications use the application workspace color as the color
for the client-window background. To use this color, you simply use the
SYSCLR_APPWORKSPACE index when filling the client window. The following code
fragment shows how this is done:
RECTL rcl;
case WM_PAINT:
    hps = WinBeginPaint(hwnd, NULL, &rcl);
    WinFillRect(hps, &rcl, iAWSColor);
    return (0L);
You can use the WinQuerySysColor function to retrieve the RGB color value
for a system color, as shown in the following code fragment. This
information is useful if you want to apply the color to another color index
or change the color in some way.
COLOR clr;
You can use the WinSetSysColors function to set a system color. The
following code fragment inverts the application workspace color for all
applications in the system:
COLOR clr;
    & 0x00FFFFFF;
You can also use the WinSetSysColors function to set several system color,
at once. As with the GpiCreateLogColorTable function, there are two ways to
specify the RGB values: as an array of consecutive RGB values, or as an
array of system-color and index RGB-value pairs. The first method is useful
when you want to set the entire group of system colors or any consecutive
subset. The second method is useful when you want to set nonconsecutive
subsets of the system colors. The following code fragment sets the system
colors using a consecutive array of RGB values:
aclr[0] = 0x00FF0020L;
aclr[1] = 0x00767676L;
aclr[2] = 0x001A1A1AL;
aclr[3] = 0x003ABA3AL;
aclr[4] = 0x00FFFFFFL;
aclr[5] = 0x0000FFFFL;
    HWND_DESKTOP,               /* desktop window                */
    0L,                         /* color options                 */
    LCOLF_CONSECRGB,            /* consecutive RGB values        */
    SYSCLR_WINDOWSTATICTEXT,    /* start with window static text */
    6L,                         /* six elements in the array     */
    aclr);                      /* array of color values         */
The following code fragment inverts the colors for the background, active
border, and active title bar. It sets the colors using index-RGB pairs. Note
that the WinSetSysColors cclr parameter is set to count the number of values
passed using the pclr parameter, which is exactly twice the number of system
colors being set. Note also that the high byte of an RGB color value must be
cleared to zero.
                       SYSCLR_ACTIVETITLE, 0 };
for (i = 0; i < 6; i += 2)
    aclrIndexRgb[i + 1] = ~WinQuerySysColor(HWND_DESKTOP,
        aclrIndexRgb[i], 0L) & 0x00FFFFFF;
WinSetSysColors(HWND_DESKTOP, 0L, LCOLF_INDRGB, 0L, 6L, aclrIndexRgb);
You can reset the system colors to their default values by calling the
WinSetSysColors function with the flOptions parameter set to LCOL_RESET, as
shown in the following code fragment:
System Values
You can retrieve a system value by using the WinQuerySysValue function. The
function always returns a 32-bit value, even if the system value is smaller.
You can cast the function result to a more appropriate type. The following
code fragment shows two examples of the WinQuerySysValue function:
SHORT cxSizeBorder;
BOOL  fRightButton;
/* Retrieve the width of a sizing-border vertical element. */
/* Are the mouse buttons switched? */
fRightButton = (BOOL) WinQuerySysValue(HWND_DESKTOP, SV_SWAPBUTTON);
You can set a system value by using the WinSetSysValue function, as shown in
the following code fragment. The value is passed as a long integer.
/* Play with the sizing border. */
You will usually follow such a call by sending the WM_SYSVALUECHANGED
message to the frame windows in the system. You can use the WinBroadcastMsg
function to send the message, as shown in the following code fragment:
    HWND_DESKTOP,                   /* desktop window        */
    WM_SYSVALUECHANGED,             /* system value changed  */
    MPFROMSHORT(SV_CXSIZEBORDER),   /* first system value    */
    MPFROMSHORT(SV_CYSIZEBORDER),   /* last system value     */
    BMSG_FRAMEONLY | BMSG_SEND);    /* send to frame windows */