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MS OS/2 Programming Models (1.2)
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                         MS OS/2 Programming Models
This topic describes the types of programs that you can develop for MS OS/2.
MS OS/2 supports the following program types:
♦  Full-screen programs
♦  Full-screen programs in a window
♦  Presentation Manager applications
♦  Advanced-video-input-and-output (AVIO) programs
♦  Family-application-programming-interface (FAPI) programs
Full-Screen Programs
A full-screen program is any MS OS/2 program that does not create a
Presentation Manager message queue. In other words, it is a program that
does not rely on the Presentation Manager mouse and keyboard processing for
input. Full-screen programs typically run in a full-screen session.
Most full-screen programs use the Dos functions to perform input, output,
memory management, and other activities. Full-screen programs also commonly
use the standard-input, standard-output, and standard-error files created
for them when they start.
A full-screen program uses a main function as its starting point and can
call as many other functions as needed to complete its designated task. The
following simple full-screen program copies the line "Hello, world" to the
#include \<os2.h\>
main( )
    USHORT cbWritten;
    DosWrite(1, "Hello, world\r\n", 14, &cbWritten);
The MS OS/2 system functions use many structures, data types, and constants
that are not part of the standard C language. For example, the data type
USHORT is a special MS OS/2 data type that specifies an unsigned short
integer. In order to use these items, you must include the MS OS/2 header
file os2.h at the beginning of your program source file.
The MS OS/2 system functions are not standard C functions. They use the
Pascal calling convention. This means, for example, that the MS OS/2
functions expect parameters to be passed in left-to-right order instead of
the standard right-to-left order of C functions. To use the MS OS/2
functions in a C-language program, you must declare them with the pascal
keyword, which directs the C compiler to generate proper instructions for
the function call. All MS OS/2 functions are declared this way within the
os2.h file, so including the file saves you the trouble of declaring each
function individually.
The os2.h file also declares the parameter types for each function. Without
these declarations, many function parameters would require type casting to
avoid compiler errors. For example, the DosWrite function shown in the
preceding example requires the second parameter to be a complete far
(32-bit) address to the given string. Since the os2.h file declares the
second parameter with this type, the compiler does the cast for you.
Some full-screen programs can also run in a window in the Presentation
Manager session. Although the program runs in a window, it does not create
the window. Instead, the system creates the window and provides the input
and output to the program just as if it were running in a full-screen
session. A full-screen program can run in a window only if it does not use
functions that directly access the devices that Presentation Manager
controls. For example, a program that attempts to retrieve the address of
the video buffer or to change video modes may fail.
Presentation Manager Applications
A Presentation Manager application is any MS OS/2 program that creates a
message queue. A window is the only means a Presentation Manager application
has to receive input and display output, so Presentation Manager
applications typically create one or more windows to interact with the
All MS OS/2 Presentation Manager applications have essentially the following
♦  A main function
♦  One or more window procedures
♦  Optional functions to support the main function and/or the window
Since nearly all Presentation Manager applications create and use windows,
the main function carries out the same basic tasks in most applications. The
typical main function does the following, in the order shown:
1  Initializes the application for Presentation Manager.
2  Creates a message queue.
3  Creates a window class.
4  Creates a window.
5  Starts the message loop and continues to dispatch messages until the
   WM_QUIT message is retrieved.
6  Destroys the window when finished using it.
7  Destroys the message queue.
8  Terminates the application.
Every MS OS/2 Presentation Manager application has at least one thread of
execution. Each thread that calls Presentation Manager functions must
register with the system by calling the WinInitialize function. This
function creates an anchor block and returns an anchor-block handle that the
thread can use in subsequent functions.
An anchor block links a process with the system. The anchor block includes
an instance data segment in which to store the process's environment and
storage for error messages. The anchor-block handle is used in the call to
the WinTerminate function that ends the association with the anchor block
just before the application terminates.
The application creates the message queue by using the WinCreateMsgQueue
function. This function returns a queue handle that can be used in
subsequent functions. Once the queue is created, the application can
register a window class, create a window and start the message loop. After
the message loop ends, the application can destroy the window and use the
queue handle in the WinDestroyMsgQueue function to destroy the queue.
Once the application is initialized and a message queue and window are
created, the application can enter the main message loop. The application
waits there for messages to appear in the queue, retrieves them, and
dispatches them, as appropriate, to its windows. When the user or system
chooses to terminate an application, a WM_QUIT message is used to trigger an
exit from the message loop.
After leaving the message loop, an application carries out various
termination activities, including destroying windows, releasing memory,
destroying message queues, closing files, and severing connections with the
shell and other applications.
The following code fragment from a simple Presentation Manager application
copies the line "Hello, world" to its window:
#define INCL_WIN
#define INCL_DOS
#include <os2.h>
HAB hab;            /* anchor-block handle     */
HMQ hmq;            /* message-queue handle    */
QMSG qmsg;          /* message-queue structure */
HWND hwndFrame;     /* frame-window handle     */
HWND hwndClient;    /* client-window handle    */
     * Initialize the thread for making Presentation Manager calls and
     * create the message queue.
    hab = WinInitialize(0);
    hmq = WinCreateMsgQueue(hab, DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE);
    /* Register the class, terminate on failure. */
    if (!WinRegisterClass(hab, "MyClass",
            MyWindowProc, CS_SIZEREDRAW, NULL))
        DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 0);
    /* Create the window, terminate on failure. */
    if (!(hwndFrame = WinCreateStdWindow(HWND_DESKTOP, WS_VISIBLE,
            &flStyle, "MyClass", "My Window!", 0L, NULL, 0, &hwndClient)))
        DosExit(EXIT_PROCESS, 0);
    /* Get and dispatch messages. */
    while (WinGetMsg(hab, &qmsg, NULL, 0, 0))
        WinDispatchMsg(hab, &qmsg, NULL, 0, 0);
    WinDestroyWindow(hwndFrame);    /* destroy the main window   */
    WinDestroyMsgQueue(hmq);        /* destroy the message queue */
    WinTerminate(hab);              /* terminate                 */
MRESULT EXPENTRY MyWindowProc(hwnd, usMessage, mp1, mp2)
HWND hwnd;
    HPS hps;        /* presentation-space handle */
    RECTL rcl;      /* rectangle structure       */
    POINTL ptl;     /* point structure           */
    switch (msg) {
        case WM_PAINT:
            hps = WinBeginPaint(hwnd,
                NULL, NULL);                       /* start painting  */
            WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, &rcl);        /* get window size */
            WinFillRect(hps, &rcl, CLR_WHITE);     /* fill background */
            ptl.x = (rcl.xRight - rcl.xLeft) / 2;
            ptl.y = (rcl.yTop - rcl.yBottom) / 2;
            GpiMove(hps, &ptl);          /* move to center of window  */
            GpiCharString(hps, 12L,
                "Hello, world");                     /* draw string   */
            WinEndPaint(hps);                        /* end painting  */
            return (0L);
            return (WinDefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2));
An advanced-video-input-and-output (AVIO) program is a Presentation Manager
program that uses the advanced Vio functions for text output. These function
let a Presentation Manager application write text to a window just as if it
were writing the text to a full screen. These programs must run in the
Presentation Manager session and must create at least one window for input
and output.
The Family Application Programming Interface
Many MS OS/2 functions can be used in programs intended to be run in real
mode. These functions, collectively called the family application
programming interface (family API, or FAPI), let developers create MS OS/2
programs that can run in both protected and real modes; that is, they can
run under MS OS/2 and under MS-DOS versions 2.x and 3.x.
To use the family API in real-mode programs, you must use only the MS OS/2
functions that belong to the FAPI, and you must observe the restrictions
that apply to these functions when running in real mode. Also, you must bind
your program by using the MS OS/2 Bind utility (bind). The bind utility
supplies the code needed to link the MS OS/2 functions to the corresponding
MS-DOS system calls. This code is used only when the program is run in real
mode; that is, a bound program can still run in protected mode.
Not all MS OS/2 functions belong to the FAPI, and some that do belong have
slightly different behavior when used in real mode than when used in
protected mode. The following is a complete list of the FAPI functions.
Those functions marked with an asterisks (*) operate differently in real
mode than in protected mode; all other FAPI functions operate identically in
both protected and real modes.
DosAllocHuge *        DosHoldSignal *       DosWrite
DosAllocSeg *         DosInsMessage *       KbdCharIn *
DosBeep               DosMkDir              KbdFlushBuffer *
DosBufReset           DosMove               KbdGetStatus *
DosCaseMap *          DosNewSize            KbdPeek *
DosChDir              DosOpen *             KbdSetStatus *
DosChgFilePtr         DosPutMessage *       KbdStringIn *
DosClose              DosQCurDir            VioGetBuf
DosCreateCSAlias *    DosQCurDisk           VioGetCurPos
DosDelete             DosQFHandState        VioGetCurType
DosDevConfig          DosQFileInfo          VioGetMode
DosDevIOCtl *         DosQFileMode          VioGetPhysBuf
DosDupHandle          DosQFSInfo            VioReadCellStr
DosEnumAttribute      DosQPathInfo          VioReadCharStr
DosErrClass           DosQVerify            VioScrLock *
DosError *            DosRead *             VioScrollDn
DosExecPgm *          DosReallocHuge *      VioScrollLf
DosExit *             DosReallocSeg *       VioScrollRt
DosFileLocks          DosRmDir              VioScrollUp
DosFindClose          DosSelectDisk         VioScrUnLock
DosFindFirst *        DosSetDateTime        VioSetCurPos
DosFindFirst2         DosSetFHandState *    VioSetCurType
DosFindNext *         DosSetFileInfo        VioSetMode
DosFreeSeg *          DosSetFileMode        VioShowBuf
DosGetCollate *       DosSetFSInfo          VioWrtCellStr
DosGetCtryInfo *      DosSetPathInfo        VioWrtCharStr
DosGetDateTime        DosSetSigHandler *    VioWrtCharStrAtt
DosGetDBCSEv *        DosSetVec *           VioWrtNAttr
DosGetEnv             DosSetVerify          VioWrtNCell
DosGetHugeShift       DosSleep              VioWrtNChar
DosGetMachineMode     DosSubAlloc           VioWrtTTY
DosGetMessage *       DosSubFree
DosGetVersion         DosSubSet
Note:  The DosGetMachineMode function is especially useful in FAPI programs,
       since it specifies which environment the program is running in: MS
       OS/2 or MS-DOS.
Following are the real-mode restrictions and/or differences in operation for
the FAPI functions marked with asterisks (*) in the preceding list:
DosAllocHuge  Rounds the usPartialSeg parameter value up to the next
paragraph (16-byte) value. This function copies the actual segment address,
not a selector, to the variable pointed to by the psel parameter.
DosAllocSeg  Rounds the usSize parameter value up to the next paragraph
(16-byte) value. This function copies the actual segment address, not a
selector, to the variable pointed to by the psel parameter.
DosCaseMap  Provides no method of identifying the boot drive. The system
assumes that the country.sys file is in the root directory of the current
DosCreateCSAlias  Returns as a selector the actual segment address of the
allocated memory. Freeing either the returned selector or the original
selector immediately frees the block of memory.
DosDevIOCtl  Restricts the input-and-output-control functions that can be
used. Categories 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, and 11 cannot be used. Also, some
control functions in categories 1, 5, and 8 can be used with MS-DOS 3.x but
not with MS-DOS 2.x. The following input-and-output-control functions can be
used in FAPI programs:
    PRT_SETFRAMECTL (for IBM Graphics Printers only)
    PRT_SETINFINITERETRY (current program only)
* These input-and-output-control functions can be used only with MS-DOS
versions 3.2 and later.
DosError  If the fEnable parameter is HARDERROR_DISABLE, causes all
subsequent int 24h requests to fail, until another call is made to the
DosError function with fEnable set to HARDERROR_ENABLE.
DosExecPgm  Allows only the value EXEC_SYNC for the fExecFlags parameter.
Other values cause errors. The buffer pointed to by the pchFailName
parameter is filled with blanks, even if the function fails. The codeResult
field of the RESULTCODES structure receives the exit code for the DosExit
function or the MS-DOS call that terminates the program.
DosExit  Exits from the currently executing program, since there are no
threads in the real-mode environment. If the fTerminate parameter is
EXIT_THREAD, the entire process ends, not just a thread.
DosFindFirst  Requires the phdir parameter to be HDIR_SYSTEM.
DosFindNext  Requires the hdir parameter to be HDIR_SYSTEM.
DosFreeSeg  Does not treat a code-segment selector (created by using the
DosCreateCSAlias function) and the corresponding data-segment selector as
unique. Freeing one frees both.
DosGetCollate  Provides no method of identifying the boot drive. The system
assumes that the country.sys file is in the root directory of the current
DosGetCtryInfo  Provides no method of identifying the boot drive. The system
assumes that the country.sys file is in the root directory of the current
DosGetDBCSEv  Provides no method of identifying the boot drive. The system
assumes that the country.sys file is in the root directory of the current
DosGetMessage  Provides no method of identifying the boot drive. The system
assumes that the message file is in the root directory of the current
DosHoldSignal  Recognizes only the signal-interrupt (SIG_CTRLC) and
signal-break (SIG_CTRLBREAK) signals.
DosInsMessage  Provides no method of identifying the boot drive. The system
assumes that the message file is in the root directory of the current
DosOpen  Restricts the values that can be used with the fsOpenMode
parameter. The parameter can be a combination of the following values:
Value                     Meaning
OPEN_ACCESS_READONLY      Read-only access mode.
OPEN_ACCESS_WRITEONLY     Write-only access mode.
OPEN_ACCESS_READWRITE     Read/write access mode.
OPEN_SHARE_DENYREADWRITE  Deny read/write share mode. Not available in
                          MS-DOS 2.x. Available in MS-DOS 3.x only when the
                          share command has been used.
OPEN_SHARE_DENYWRITE      Deny-write share mode. Not available in MS-DOS
                          2.x. Available in MS-DOS 3.x only when the share
                          command has been used.
OPEN_SHARE_DENYREAD       Deny-read share mode. Not available in MS-DOS 2.x.
                          Available in MS-DOS 3.x only when the share
                          command has been used.
OPEN_SHARE_DENYNONE       Deny-none share mode. Not available in MS-DOS 2.x.
                          Available in MS-DOS 3.x only when the share
                          command has been used.
OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT      Inheritance flag. Not available in MS-DOS 2.x.
OPEN_FLAGS_WRITE_THROUGH  Write-through flag. Not available in MS-DOS 2.x.
OPEN_FLAGS_DASD           Direct-access-storage-device (DASD) flag.
The fail-on-error flag (OPEN_FLAGS_FAIL_ON_ERROR) is not available to
real-mode programs.
DosPutMessage  Provides no method of identifying the boot drive. The system
assumes that the message file is in the root directory of the current
DosRead  Uses the KbdStringIn function whenever the specified file handle
identifies the keyboard device. In real mode, KbdStringIn reads only the
number of characters specified in the call, then beeps to signal the user
that no additional characters can be entered. (In protected mode, the user
can enter characters until the keyboard buffer is full.)
DosReallocHuge  Rounds the usPartialSize parameter value up to the next
paragraph (16-byte) value.
DosReallocSeg  Rounds the usNewSize parameter value up to the next paragraph
(16-byte) value.
DosSetFHandState  Requires that the (OPEN_FLAGS_FAIL_ON_ERROR flag and the
flag must not be set in MS-DOS 2.x.
DosSetSigHandler  Can be used to install signal handlers for only the
signal-interrupt (SIG_CTRLC) and signal-break (SIG_CTRLBREAK) signals.
Furthermore, the SIG_CTRLC and SIG_CTRLBREAK signals are treated as the same
signal, so the function accepts only the SIG_CTRLC value when setting a
signal handler.
DosSetVec  Does not accept VECTOR_EXTENSION_ERROR as the usVecNum value,
since this exception is not raised in machines using the 8088 or 8086
KbdCharIn  Does not copy the system time to the KBDKEYINFO structure and
provides no interim character support. This function retrieves characters
only from the default keyboard (handle 0). The fbStatus field can be 0x0000
or SHIFT_KEY_IN. The hkbd parameter is ignored.
KbdFlushBuffer  Ignores the hkbd parameter.
KbdGetStatus  Does not support the interim character or the turnaround
KbdPeek  Does not copy the system time to the KBDKEYINFO structure and
provides no interim character support. This function retrieves characters
only from the default keyboard (handle 0). The fbStatus field can be 0x0000
or SHIFT_KEY_IN. The hkbd parameter is ignored.
KbdSetStatus  Does not support the interim character or the turnaround
character. Raw input mode with echo mode on is not supported. The hkbd
parameter is ignored.
KbdStringIn  Ignores the hkbd parameter.
VioScrLock  Always indicates that the lock was successful.
Using the Command Line
In standard C-language programs, you can use the argc and argv parameters of
the main function to retrieve individual copies of the command-line
arguments. You can use these parameters in MS OS/2 programs, but you can
also retrieve the entire command line, exactly as the user typed it, by
using the DosGetEnv function.
When it starts a program, MS OS/2 prepares an environment segment for the
program. This segment contains definitions of all environment variables, as
well as the command line. The DosGetEnv function retrieves the segment
selector for this environment segment and the address offset within that
segment for the start of the command line.
You can echo the command line on the screen by using the DosGetEnv function
to get the address of the command line in the environment segment, as shown
in the following sample program:
#define INCL_DOS
#include <os2.h>
main( )
    SEL selEnvironment;
    USHORT offCommand;
    PSZ pszCommandLine;
    USHORT cbWritten;
    USHORT i, cch;
    DosGetEnv(&selEnvironment, &offCommand);
    pszCommandLine = MAKEP(selEnvironment, offCommand);
     * The first string is the program name. The command line is the next
     * null-terminated string.
    for (i = 0; pszCommandLine[i]; i++);
    /* Find the length of the command-line string. */
    for (i++, cch = 0; pszCommandLine[cch + i]; cch++);
    DosWrite(1, &pszCommandLine[i], cch, &cbWritten);
The command line has two parts. The first part is the program name,
terminated by a zero byte. The second part is the rest of the command line,
terminated by two zero bytes. The preceding program echoes the command line
by skipping over the program name and then writing everything up to the next
zero byte to the screen. The first for statement skips over the command
name; the second for statement computes the length of the string. The MAKEP
macro creates the far pointer that is needed to access the command line in
the environment segment.
You can examine your program's environment by using the selector retrieved
by the DosGetEnv function. The program's environment consists of the
environment variables that have been declared and passed to the program.
Each program has a unique environment that is typically inherited from the
program that started it──for example, from the MS OS/2 command processor,
You can use the DosScanEnv function to scan for a specific environment
variable. This function takes as an argument the name of the environment
variable that you are interested in and copies the current value of this
variable to a buffer that you supply. The following sample program uses
DosScanEnv to display the value of the environment variable specified in the
command line:
#include <os2.h>
main( )
    SEL selEnvironment;
    USHORT offCommand;
    PSZ pszCommandLine;
    PSZ pszValue;
    USHORT cbWritten;
    USHORT i, cch;
    DosGetEnv(&selEnvironment, &offCommand);
    pszCommandLine = MAKEP(selEnvironment, offCommand);
    for (i = 0; pszCommandLine[i]; i++);
    for (i++; pszCommandLine[i] == ' '; i++);
    if (!DosScanEnv(&pszCommandLine[i], &pszValue)) {
        for (cch = 0; pszValue[cch]; cch++);
        DosWrite(1, pszValue, cch, &cbWritten);
Using Structures
Many MS OS/2 functions use structures for input and output. To use a
structure in an MS OS/2 function, you first define the structure in your
program and then pass the 32-bit far address of the structure as a parameter
in the function call.
For example, the DosGetDateTime function copies the current date and time to
a DATETIME structure whose address you supply. The fields of the DATETIME
structure define the month, day, and year, as well as the time of day (to
hundredths of a second).
To retrieve the date and time, you call the DosGetDateTime function, using
the address operator (&) to specify the address of the DATETIME structure.
The following sample program shows how to make the call:
#include <os2.h>
CHAR szDayName[] = "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun";
CHAR szMonthName[] = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec";
CHAR szDate[] = "xx:xx:xx xxx xxx xx, xxxx\r\n";
main( )
    DATETIME date;
    SHORT offset;
    SHORT i;
    USHORT usYear;
    USHORT cbWritten;
    DosGetDateTime(&date);  /* address of DATETIME structure */
    szDate[0] = (date.hours / 10) + '0';
    szDate[1] = (date.hours % 10) + '0';
    szDate[3] = (date.minutes / 10) + '0';
    szDate[4] = (date.minutes % 10) + '0';
    szDate[6] = (date.seconds / 10) + '0';
    szDate[7] = (date.seconds % 10) + '0';
    offset = date.weekday * 3;
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        szDate[i + 9] = szDayName[i + offset];
    offset = (date.month - 1) * 3;
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        szDate[i + 13] = szMonthName[i + offset];
    szDate[17] = (date.day < 10) ? ' ' : (date.day / 10 + '0');
    szDate[18] = (date.day % 10) + '0';
    usYear = date.year;
    szDate[21] = (usYear / 1000) + '0';
    usYear = usYear % 1000;
    szDate[22] = (usYear / 100) + '0';
    usYear = usYear % 100;
    szDate[23] = (usYear / 10) + '0';
    szDate[24] = (usYear % 10) + '0';
    DosWrite(1, szDate, 27, &cbWritten);
One drawback to using MS OS/2 functions exclusively is that there are no
formatted output functions, such as the C-language printf function.
Therefore, the preceding program formats the data itself before displaying
it. The program uses the integer-division operators (/ and %) to convert
binary numbers to ASCII characters. The program then copies the ASCII
characters to a string and displays the string by using the DosWrite
Some MS OS/2 functions require that you fill one or more fields of the
structure before calling the function. For example, there are some
structures whose length depends on the version of the operating system being
used; MS OS/2 requires that you supply the expected length so that the
function does not copy data beyond the end of your structure.
Using Bit Masks
In MS OS/2, many functions use bit masks. A bit mask (also called an array
of flags) is a combination of two or more Boolean flags in a single byte,
word, or double-word value. In C-language programs, you can use the bitwise
AND, OR, and NOT operators to examine and set the values in a bit mask.
If a function retrieves a bit mask, you can check a specific flag in the bit
mask by using the AND operator, as shown in the following code fragment:
USHORT fsEvent;
if (fsEvent & 0x0004)
    /* is the flag set? */
You can set a flag in a bit mask by using the OR operator, as shown in the
following code fragment:
ULONG flFunctions;
flFunctions = flFunctions | KR_KBDPEEK;
Finally, you can clear a flag in a bit mask by using the AND and NOT
operators, as shown in the following code fragment:
USHORT fsEvent;
fsEvent = fsEvent & ~0x0004;
Sharing Resources
Many MS OS/2 functions let you use the resources of the computer, such as
the keyboard, screen, disk, and even the system speaker. Since MS OS/2 is a
multitasking operating system and more than one program may be running at a
time, MS OS/2 considers all resources of the computer to be shared
resources. As a result, programs must not claim exclusive access to a given
Consider a simple program that plays a short tune by using the DosBeep
function. This function, when called by a single program, generates a tone
at the system speaker, but if two programs call DosBeep at the same time,
the result is chaotic. For example, try running two or more copies of the
following program at the same time:
#include <os2.h>
#define CNOTES 14
USHORT ausTune[] = {
    440, 1000,
    480, 1000,
    510, 1000,
    550, 1000,
    590, 1000,
    620, 1000,
    660, 1000
main( )
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < CNOTES; i += 2)
        DosBeep(ausTune[i], ausTune[i + 1]);
The first parameter of the DosBeep function specifies the frequency of the
note. The second parameter specifies the duration. The array ausTune defines
frequency and duration values for each note in the tune.
DosBeep is intended to be used for signaling the user when an error occurs,
such as pressing an incorrect key. Since the system speaker is a shared
resource, a process should use the DosBeep function sparingly.
C-Language Header Files
The MS OS/2 C-language header file os2.h contains the definitions you need
to use the functions, data types, structures, and constants described in the
Microsoft Operating System/2 Programmer's Reference.
When you include the os2.h file, the C preprocessor automatically defines
many, but not all, of the most commonly used MS OS/2 functions. The os2.h
header file is the "master" file of a set of files that contain the MS OS/2
function definitions. Each file contains definitions for the functions, data
types, structures, and constants associated with a specific group of MS OS/2
functions. To minimize the time required to process the many header files,
each function group is conditionally processed on the basis of whether a
corresponding constant is defined within the program source file.
For a list of the possible constants, see the topic
Include control constants
To use a function within your program, you simply define the corresponding
constant by using the #define directive before you include the os2.h file.
For example, the following code fragment includes definitions for the
memory-management and file-management functions:
#include <os2.h>
main( )
Once you have defined a constant, you can use any function, structure, or
data type in that function group.