P-Code Instructions (pcode.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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──P-Code Instructions───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  /* Load Address of Frame Variable */
  Possible Instructions
  LdfA0...LdfA9, LdfAb, LdfAw
  See: P-Code Operands
  Loads the near address of the specified local variable or function
  parameter onto the stack. A negative value for <n> addresses a local
  variable, and a positive value addresses a function parameter.
  NOTE: When LdfAb is generated, the byte parameter is assumed to be a
        negative value. Thus, it refers only to local variables.
  // when <n> is a implied number #
  PushW(bp - fs - (2 *  #));
  // when <n> is a byte <b>
  PushW(bp + (2 * (<b> | 0xff00)));
  // when <n> is a word w
  PushW(bp + (2 * w));
  The instruction could be generated by assigning a pointer to a
  variable's address. For example,
  lp1 = &lTest;            /* generates LdfA<n> */