P-Code Instructions (pcode.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
P-Code Instruction Syntax
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──P-Code Instructions───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  <op> [<indir_mode>] [<quals>] [<data_type>] [<operand>] [<retval>]
  Parameter    Description
  <op>         The basic opcode. For example, Ldf, Ldi, Sti, Ldng, or
  <indir mode> The indirection mode.
               Value   Meaning
               n       Near
               f       Far
               h       Huge (as defined in Microsoft C)
               no      Near + offset
               fo      Far + offset
               ho      Huge + offset
  <quals>      The qualifiers, zero or more of
               Value   Meaning
               p       Preserve data on stack after instruction
               t       Fetch operand from temp register
               s       Signed or scaled
               u       Unsigned
  <data_type>  The data type, zero or more of
               Value   Meaning
               V       Void
               B       Byte
               Q       Bit field
               W       Word
               S       Short (word ── reserved for 386 version)
               L       Long (double word)
               N       Pointer (near)
               A       Address (near)
               F       Pointer (far)
               H       Pointer (huge)
               R       Float (4 bytes)
               D       Double (8 bytes)
               T       Long double (10 bytes)
               When more than one <data_type> is specified, they appear in
               the following order:
               ■   Left operand (below top of stack)
               ■   Right operand (at top of stack)
               ■   Result of the operation
  <operand>    The operand, zero or more of
               Value   Meaning
               #       Implied numeric operand, encoded in the opcode ("#"
                       denotes a sequence of decimal digits)
               m#      Minus──implied negative numeric operand
               b       Byte (1 byte operand)
               w       Word (2 byte operand)
               l       Long  (4 byte operand)
  <retval>     The return value. This parameter is used for procedure
               calls only.
               Value   Meaning
               .V      Void return value
               .W      2-byte return value
               .L      4-byte return value